the month thus far

Feb 16, 2009 16:51

good afternoon all. as i sit here, it's monday febuary 16 2009 and i'm taking the time to update my journal. hmmm from where we left off last time, i had discovered that i have raging sleep apnea. this explains much of what i was struggling with even at my time at star choice.

Near as i can figure it.. my accident in august of 2002 must have touched off a chain reaction in my biochemistry that set off the more serious aspects of my sleep apnea. i went from being someone who walked everywhere he went to not really feeling like walking to the fridge. i was tired all the time, antsy, depressed, and sleeping and not being fully aware on the job.

i had actually considered that i was just being fat and lazy but that doesn't seem to be the case.. (or at least not all of it.) it turns out i have sleep apnea and have had it for some years now and it's been getting steadily worse as time goes on. the sleepiness and drowsiness i've been experiencing at work is due to my body being woken up due to shortness of breath. never fully awake but definatly out of the theta range where full on SLEEP and relaxation occour.

i have recently began using C-PAP breathing machines and mask to offset this and the change is already noticable. i'm more awake and alert then i used to be and not as prone to falling asleep at the computer. i don't know how this is all going to play out personalitywise yet... but i'm positive that the change will be profound. i'm also sure that, as this wasn't done overnight, it's going to take longer for the full extent to be seen.

I went to the midnight screening of "friday the 13th" on well... friday(thusrday night) and i found it to be a decent remake. it had all the elements a good jason slasher should have. i kinda giggled as Jared Padalecki should have been used to dealing with this type of thing by now... and the victims you were supposed to SOMEWHAT identify with were mostly douchebags.. but all in all, a fairly accurate homage to the original series.  (unlike that horrendous "halloween" remake by Rob Zombie.. what an hour and a half long peice of crap.

i DO however want to take this moment to express my utter dismay and disgust at today's youth in general. (yes, i know i'm dating myself AND i know there's exceptions) but.... WHAT A BUNCH OF FUCKING MORONS!!!!! i sit and i listen to them in line or waiting for the show to start and i can FEEL my brain cells die. they babble.. they babblr about school...and getting high... and going out and getting plastered... and getting high.. one girl was even going on about how her friend had 5 guys at once and how she fucked some guy at a campsite for a beer.

wow.... 30 minutes of this drivel (which didn't stop during the movie B.T.W) and i was ready to join Jason in his crusade and pick up a machete, strap on my C-PAP mask and start doing some slashing of my own. if this is the future... i say fuck it and let the global warming commence. think of it as a pallette cleanser.

now onto happier things. Patsy and i decided to forgo actually venturing out on valentines day and went to the keg friday night for dinner. we sat and had fantastic conversation and a decent meal, came home and watched a movie or two and then went to bed. not as romantic as you might have wanted but, it's all about the time you spent together with the one you love.. not the money spent.

saturday was our busy day.. we woke up late in the afternoon and John was already here visiting and reading comics. Patsy took the time to watch some Brave and the Bold with us as well as Joss Wheadon's new series "dollhouse". (more on that in next entry's TV RUNDOWN.)
we tried the new pasta dishes at pizza hut to mixed reviews and, by then, Amber and Mike came over for some Rock Band goodness.

i find i'm really starting to LIKE rock band. i'm enjoying the drums immensly and i like letting my inner rock star come out. (john usually does bass and patsy does lead guitar). i'm also downloading new tracks for us to play. it's a LOT of fun to play with patsy and john. i like playing in a group.
sunday came as a day of unpleasentness for patsy as she woke up with a minor stomach irritant and was sick for the better part of the day. i went out and got us slurpees and stuff later so it all worked out. we just basically did a night of watching the boob tube and then turned in. i put on my darth vader mask and then went to bed.. after one last thing was done...

i went and purchased my 4 day pass to... THE SAN DIEGO COMICON!!!!!! that's right bayyybeee.. i'm gonna be front and centre at the san diego comicon this year after 5 days in san francisco. this is my reward to myself for one HELL of a year. my sweetie was nice enough to pay for our airline tickets and everything. the ONLY thing i have left to do now is book my hotel for the CON and have spending money for all the bells and whistles i'm going to want to buy or pictures i want autographed.

i am SO Excited. Patsy is going to her friend's place for the time while i'm geeking out and we'll meet up for the trip home. this is going to be one of the best. trips. EVER.

there's more.. but my food's getting cold. talk to you soon
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