leah's last weekend. the last weekend of leah and sarah take back the summer. all in all, a success. so. much. fun.
this post will contain approximately 5,000 pictures as i recently purchased a new camera.
first of all, friday was more fun than i've had in a long time. us ladies started drinking. everything was going well until leah brought out the drinking games.
sarah and leah
allyson sucking on my face.
allyson and nicole
after drinking at leah's we made our way to the bar for ermine and jon epworth. at this point, nicole and i thought it would be a good idea to do tequila shots.
andy wood!
me and chuck
deon was there. i noticed him sportin' a fancy 'born on a porch' button. i would have cried if i'd lost it. then we decided to take pictures of the many emotions of deon.
this is supposed to be happy deon
angry deon
and as for this one, your guess is as good as mine
old roomie meets new roomie
and the lovely miss porter workin' the merch table
night #2. leah's going away party at hoju's.
leah arrived with her second 2L friend of the weekend.
pt & the cruisers were playing at a dance next door. some of the party goers went to crash it.
mike d and jenn
john and anne
i have no idea.
not just any furnace. a fucking furnace.
hoju, singing songs.
bridgeo and crystal brought cake!
brian, looking tough.
too cute.
pinky, anne and me
serious pinky and serious anne.
and this is a little game i like to play...
christmas morning!
someone just ran over your cat.
your girlfriend is dancing with another guy.
you just won the lottery.
and that's all i've got. it was a good weekend. leah, i'm going to miss you.