Fascism Watch, February 15

Feb 15, 2017 23:56


Chaffetz and Goodlatte want to investigate the leaks that led to Flynn’s resignation-but not the actual Russian involvement

The Senate Intelligence Committee expects to begin hearing testimony later this month

Among those he would like to see testify are Flynn, Manafort and former acting Attorney General Sally Yates, who was fired after she refused to defend Trump’s executive order on immigration.

“We’re going to do everything we can to be open and transparent,” Manchin said in an interview. “You need to clear it up.”

Congressman says constituents asking for a town hall are ‘enemies’ of democracy. What a time to be alive.

GOP super PAC linked to Paul Ryan used illegally hacked material against Democratic House candidates

It’s bigger than Flynn. New Russia revelations widen Trump’s credibility gap.

With Flynn gone, it would appear that Moscow had lost an ‘in’ to the Trump administration. But that would overstate the case. ‘They have other entrees,’ one senior State Department official told me. Flynn was just a messenger, in other words, and there are other people in the West Wing who are equally motivated to strike some kind of grand bargain with Putin.… And if Trump and Putin both want the deal done, it won’t be too hard to find another go-between.”

The Trump White House Is Screwed, Big League

Why did Trump reverse course on the One China policy? China finally awarded him the trademark he’s been after for ten years.

Some of Trump’s overseas business partners are also agents of foreign governments, according to intelligence gathered by our allies. Good thing they’re on it, since our government can’t be bothered. Highlights:
  • “the father of Trump’s Azerbaijani business partner is a government official who laundered money for the Iranian military”
  • a deal with the special representative from the Philippines “has already resulted in large payments to Trump’s business, with millions of dollars more on the way”
  • a Baltic nation is looking into Igor Sechin-head of Rosneft, former FSB officer, and personal friend of both Putin and Tillerson. “Yet, back in America, the name Sechin was not even mentioned during Tillerson’s confirmation hearings before the Senate.”

How Vladimir Putin Catfished A US Election With the Collusion of Team Trump

What if Vladimir Putin directed the entire attack - not via a “15 year old girl” from Gaston, North Carolina, but by a hardened group of adult hackers from that state who had penetrated the emails of Director Brennan of the CIA, and doxed and attacked hundreds of FBI and law enforcement personnel?

And what if, after making Carter Page’s recruiter Jeff Sessions Attorney General, Donald Trump repeated the trick by making the ‘prosecutor’ of those Carolina hackers Acting AG - then changing the order of succession at Justice to cement him as number two?

In this story I exclusively report the connections between the USSR-CWA hacker group of North Carolina ‘Crackas With Attitude’ and the “sexts with a 15 year old girl” from Gaston, North Carolina, that started the chain of events that led to James Comey’s forced letter to Congress, including the fact that the “15 year old girl”’s “email to Weiner” is in fact a series of plagiarized texts it is unlikely any 15 year old girl has read, including works by J.D. Salinger, David Foster Wallace, Charles Bukowski, and - yes - “Fight Club” by Chuck Palahniuk.

Group urges New York AG to put Trump out of business by revoking charter

Free Speech for People, one of the backers of a nascent campaign to try to impeach Trump, planned to deliver a 24-page letter Wednesday calling on Schneiderman to “investigate whether to bring proceeding to dissolve and revoke the charter of Trump Organization Inc.,” the New York-based company overseeing the president’s real estate, golf, hotel and other businesses that Trump founded and continues to own.

When asked about the rash of anti-Semitic hate crimes across the US, this was Trump’s response. Amazing.

Don’t Buy Mike Pence’s Innocent Act
Cabinet & Federal Appointees

Vice Admiral Robert Harward offered National Security Adviser job.

Harward, a 60-year-old former Navy SEAL, served as deputy commander of U.S. Central Command under now-Defense Secretary James Mattis. He previously served as deputy commanding general for operations of Joint Special Operations Command at Fort Bragg in North Carolina.

Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III ensures Justice Department won’t investigate Russia connection

Andrew Puzder Withdraws From Consideration as Labor Secretary, reportedly because Oprah gave senators the tape in which his ex-wife appeared on her show to describe the abuse she suffered during their marriage.

Sean Spicer isn’t finished

Five of these sources think the person behind the leaks is Kellyanne Conway, Trump’s ever-visible White House counselor. Though they offer no hard evidence, they say Conway is trying to offload blame for administration setbacks on Spicer to prove she is the more effective public advocate and earn a lasting place in the President’s inner circle.


Russia charges four top intelligence officials with treason

Originally published at Stephanie Leary. You can comment here or there.

fascism watch, politics

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