(no subject)

Jun 23, 2005 08:44

So I get a call a few weeks ago that shocked and surprised me:

My former employer has an opportunity that they would like to discuss with me at my earliest convenience, day or night. I retrieved the message at 10:30pm on a Friday night and I figured, "What the hell", so I called the individual who sent the message. Let me first point out that this guy is not your run of the mill Lee Gruetter; this is a major player in the TP world. Another interesting note is that this individual felt like my position and that of my US support staff (onshore based)in Manila were superfluous and a waste of company money.
Moving forward, I call this individual on his cell and he is delighted to hear from me. He has an opportunity that he knows I won't be able to pass up. How would I like to come back to work for this company and be the new Recruitment Manager in Buenos Aires???
I'm sure that the proper response is, "YIPPEE!!!" I was just so shocked. It is even more ironic since they had fired Katrina several weeks prior to that. I don't know if they just don't make the connection or what..

Anyways, I said that I would think about it and let them know. The next day I got an email basically asking me to name my price but to keep in mind what the typical salary range is for the company. Below is my response:

Subject: FW: Buenos Aires Opportunity

Good morning, [edited for privacy]. My apologies for such a long response time. Numerous commitments have kept me busy.

I have discussed this opportunity with my family and we have
weighed our current options; As tempting as this opportunity is for me because
of my past offshore success, I don't think that I will be able to fill this need for you, currently. I am aware of the salaries that [edited for privacy] pays and leaving my current line of work to pursue this Argentina need would involve a notable pay cut, even at premium offshore prices.
I had briefly considered asking for a tax- equalized salary that I could live with, but it is still above what you
would be able to offer and I do not want to burn any bridges with [edited for privacy] because of our long and mutually profitable association. I would rather bow out gracefully than insult you with an outlandish offer.

Please keep me in mind for the future, however, as you know how
situations can change in an instant. If my current employment arrangements change in the future, I will let you know.

I sincerely appreciate your offer and hope that we can renew our association again somewhere down the road.

Best of luck in your continuing offshore efforts.

Warm regards,

Jennifer Holt
Executive Recruiting Consultant
Staff Care, DBA MHA Group

So within five minutes of sending this, I get another email:

Subject: FW: Buenos Aires Opportunity

Just curious, what salary range would we need to be competitive? I'm
certainly not ruling anything out at this point, but I'd like to just
have a comparative for someone with your skills and experience.

My reply:

Well, I am currently making six figures, but it is a competitive locum tenens environment where I am on the phone with candidates most of the day and I am working 12 hours days, so I would consider a pay reduction in order to leave my current production role. The least that I can realistically see myself making is [edited for privacy] base, as long as it is tax equalized (if necessary). I would also expect two trips home within the one year contractual period. Also, if my position were to be eliminated through no fault of my own (i.e. client pullout, offshore ops reduction, etc.), I would expect my full salary to be paid through the end of the contract. If I reneged on the contract, I would obviously expect no additional remuneration.

My other concern is employment after the contact is fulfilled. Is there an agreement that we could come to for future employment guarantees? When I left Manila, there was some question to available positions onshore, even though I had fulfilled my contractual obligations and even extended 5 weeks.

One other point that may affect your offer is my benefit needs. My current employer offers domestic partner benefits from day one and although my partner would be staying here, we both need continuing medical coverage with no lapse. I don't know if that is a benefit that you can provide. My partner is working from our home building a real estate rental base for our retirement, so alternate medical benefits are not a current option for us.

Thank you again for the opportunity and I look forward to speaking with you again in the future.

I actually thought that what I asked would send them running, but I got another email a few minutes later:

Thanks for the candor and honesty Jenn. I'm not giving up yet, but as
you describe we have a significant gap to close. I'll do my best and I'll be in touch.

This just makes me scratch my head... I know that I edited out my asking price, but trust me, it wasn't a whole lot less than I'm making now; about 20% or so.
I know that they will never pay my price, but I am afire with curiosity as to what their next move will be. Ahhh!!! The subtle maneuvering as we assess our opponent's weaknesses and try to determine if it's a bluff or not, and whether we can counter it if it is. It's like a giant game of chess and I'm the queen *evil, maniacal laugh*!!!

Stay tuned!
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