Special Sneak Preview

Jun 21, 2006 19:07

This is a heads up for anyone who gets WNED on their tv. Tonight at 8PM EDT WNED will be running a special sneak preview of the new documentary Niagara Falls. This new program will be available on the PBS network through out the US on July 15th of this year, but since WNED produced the show they're letting the locals get to be early birds. Lord knows they'll probably be begging for money or something since that's the nature of the public television beast both in the US and Ontario. I also have heard nothing about exactly what it is that makes this documentary any different or better then those that have told the story of Niagara Falls previously. So you'll just have to tune in and watch along with me and find out that way.

I'll report back later, for the rest of you. There's no point in us all wasting an hour of valuable time. ;-)
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