Star Wars Rebels vid: Stand By You

Oct 23, 2016 18:03

Well, it's definitely been years since I've made a proper music vid. (An End Once and For All doesn't really count since it was mostly dumping the end scene wholesale with a few added clips).

The first time I heard "Stand By You", I thought it'd make an interesting Kanan/Hera vid, but didn't really grab me. And then the lines "I'll be your eyes, till yours can shine" came on, and I literally teared up. That was it, I was going to make the vid! My last vid, Shadow of the Day, was made 8 years ago, but I still found myself slipping into the old routine of plotting out scenes line by line, converting formats, clipping scenes and doing the actual editing. And man, it was a real pleasure working with Premiere again. I'd been playing around with a video editor called Lightworks for An End, but I think the way it works can be a bit obtuse, so it was a relief to go back to Premiere. I'm particularly happy with how some of the line-scene matches turned out, like Kanan wielding his lightsaber atop the Ghost, set to "take mine (wings) till yours can open too". And the star destroyers in front of red, fiery Mustafar to the line "I'll walk through hell with you".

Alright, enough rambling. Enjoy the vid!

Title: Stand By You
Artist: Rachel Platten
Vidder: Slazersc
Fandom: Star Wars Rebels
Characters: Kanan Jarrus, Hera Syndulla
Warnings: Spoilers up to the Season 3 episode Hera's Heroes
Summary: "I'll be your eyes, till yours can shine ..." Kanan and Hera, fighting side by side against all odds.

YouTube page: Star Wars Rebels - Stand By You

star wars rebels, vidding

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