Visions in the dark (and a whole lotta exposition)

Jul 24, 2016 22:04

Finished off a few chapters of Fallen Empire on both my Knight and Agent. Chapters 10 and 11 returned Kaliyo (Agent companion) and Jorgan (Trooper) and introduced the GEMINI Frequency, which is what Arcann uses to control the Eternal Fleet. Then came Chapter 12, which was kind of a side jaunt with Valkorion, but was definitely the chapter I was looking forward to the most. And finally, Chapter 13 returned Vette (Sith Warrior) and Gault (Bounty Hunter) and was an utterly hilarious heist mission that I thoroughly enjoyed.

[Some plot and lots of quotes]As I said, I'd been looking forward most to Visions in the Dark, which I hoped would shed some light on Valkorion and his motivations. Getting himself killed and taking up residence in the Outlander's head didn't really seem to faze him, but I still can't figure out if it was part of his overarching plan. Shouldn't he be much happier still in a corporeal body and ruling over Zakuul? Anyway, during the long trek through the Odessen wilderness, Valkorion seemed basically disappointed with the Outlander's lack of progress. From his mentions of training and destiny, it seems he expects the Outlander to defeat Arcann and seize control of the Eternal Throne. Why he wants the Outlander in power is still pretty unclear. I've included some quotes for future reference:

* Until you embrace your full potential, you will only be a pawn of fate. Never its master.

* After fighting Valkorion (to about 3/4 health?): This was a fraction of the pain my children can inflict. If you do not finish your training - become something greater - you will feel the full weight of their rage.

* The galaxy is finally united under a single banner. It should have been yours. Despite your precious warship, a legion of allies, and my immense power at your disposal, you remain ... incomplete.

* The future is not a river to carry us. It is the ocean in which we drown, if we are not prepared. You have two destinies, Outlander. In one, you defeat Arcann, claim the Eternal Throne, and remake the galaxy. In the other . . . you die alone, unmourned and forgotten.

* I cannot stay to protect you any longer. There are matters to which I must attend . . . but I will leave you with a final token of my favor. Fulfill your destiny, and I promise to return ... I have never been your enemy.

After Valkorion departs, the Outlander encounters Grand Master Satele Shan and a ghostly Darth Marr. Interestingly, they say essentially the same thing as Valkorion, training the Outlander to be ready for Arcann:

* Satele: Whatever his reasons, Valkorion has opened you to powers we do not understand.

* Marr: Your enemy stole his empire though deceit and murder. He's accustomed to the dark. You must strike where he's blind. From within.

* Marr: The Sith Code teaches us to break our chains. But freedom is not your ultimate goal. You must anchor yourself to power.

* When Arcann lies defeated, your destiny is to take the Eternal Throne. Any other path will lead only into chaos.

* Satele: The Force is in motion, and we must follow. The old ways aren't enough. We'll show you the new way.

* Marr: In life, I dismissed the Jedi Code. I was wrong. There is no death. There is only the Force. And it has a plan.

* Marr: The Force is a paradox. It empowers, and imprisons. It destroys and unites. It binds the galaxy together, and tears people apart. It has a will ... but needs a commander.

* Marr: Your Alliance will collapse if you do not know yourself - and the ideal you serve. Do you understand? (Destiny guides me, My will is all that matters, I'll defend the Empire)

Like Valkorion, Darth Marr says that it is the Outlander's destiny to take the Eternal Throne. Additionally, Satele says that part of the power of the Zakuul Knights comes from the fact that they use neither the Light or the Dark side of the Force, but a balance. Both even lend their assistance in constructing a weapon against Arcann. This seems to tie in with the mention that both Odessen and Zakuul are nexus for the Force that is neither Light nor Dark. Finally, Satele says that a new path has opened thanks to the Outlander. The two depart, just like Valkorion. I can't help thinking they're all headed to the same places, perhaps events in the wider galaxy, on Coruscant and Dromund Kaas, but I guess we'll find out only next season.

So, overall, I was a bit disappointed by how little Valkorion revealed. The next chapter, the heist with Vette and Gault, made up for that. I definitely found the premise novel: rob a vault transport by setting off a bomb *inside* the heavily armored vault, blowing up the precious metals inside and siphoning them off by depressurizing the vault. And the combination of Vette and Gault was comedy gold.

Vette: Your last partner was crushed to death.
Gault: And never once complained about it.

Also, when warned that Vaylin was approaching with her troops, the Outlander declares: I'm tired of running from Valylin.
Gault: Well, I've still got a few laps in me.

The heist ends with an escape off the outside of the vault transport, which definitely reminded me of infiltrating the Shadow Broker craft, with the wind howling and lightning sizzling off parts of the ship. And finally, after the celebrating the successful heist, the aftermath of the  infiltration of the GEMINI Frequency hyperspace relay: They've recovered a data core, but Jorgan's lost most (all?) of his squad. And apparently, if the right conversation options are picked (also dependent on whether either disobeyed an order not to go rescue the other) there is an option to exile or kill either Jorgan or Kaliyo. Understandable, especially since quite a few people wanted to kill Kaliyo for her traitorous ways during the Agent storyline. I can't help wondering how this will play out for Quinn when he reappears, but now, I'm still mostly waiting to see how Lord Scourge will tie in to the whole Valkorion thing.

gaming, star wars the old republic

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