Wee, a boys-at-school ep! Little Sammy was spot-on and just adorable, and although the younger Dean didn't look quite convincing enough (it took me several moments to realise it was Dean making out with the girl in the closet), he's got the swagger and mannerisms down pat.
Of course, the bit about Dean as PE coach has been all over the net long ago, YouTube vids and pics everywhere, but man, it never gets old. Dean bellowing and blowing the whistle and ordering that poor kid to do laps, LOL! But the revelation? It was Sam who suggested it! I'm shocked speechless. I mean, what were you thinking Sam? Haven't you lived with your brother long enough to know what kind of trouble he can get up to? Shame on you!
As for the ep itself, well, we finally get an up close look at what the boys were like in school. The casefile part of it was interesting too, making it look like demon possession at first, and then having to figure out which ghost was taking over bodies to do the killing. However, the plotline did feel a little confused with the addition of all the side stories in the flashbacks, the nerd that Sam befriends, the bully who picks on the two of them, Sam admitting he doesn't want to continue in the family business and Dean's flirting as a cover.
All these stories are tied together, as is clearly stated on the blackboard when Sam is introduced to the class: The Outsiders. I won't go into the details of the book it refers to, except to say that almost all the characters in that book came from broken homes. So while the common theme ties together the nerd's divorced family, the bully's cancer-striken mother and Sam and Dean's usually absent father, it felt like they were trying to tell too many stories at once. I could sympathize with the nerd, but much less when the bully's own past was revealed, and the coverage of Sam and Dean's own issues were fairly brief. I thought the ep could have done with uncluttering the plotline a little, but still, this is finally the glimpse of the boy's school life that we've been waiting for.
Oh yeah, and I read this interesting little tidbit somewhere. Apparently, the school they used was where Smallville filmed also. Which means Dean as PE teacher was probably a dig at Jensen's turn as a football coach in Smallville. The uniform's almost the same too, except it was red pants here rather than shirt, LOL!