I think I know, so please don't spoil the ending

Jan 14, 2009 13:13

I've been meaning to update for some time now. Sometimes I have something to say, but I'm never home when I'm in the mood to state my mind. I'm not quite in that mode, but I figure I need to catch people up. I guess. Seems like something anyways.

I've been jobless for the past month. I've been living off of the kindness of others, mostly. However, just this week I was offered 2 different jobs. One, is a TJ Maxx job. Not too thrilled about it, but its work. Its the one in Easton. Its only part time so I'm not really sure what my hours are going to be. I was supposed to start today but after driving a few blocks in this weather, I decided not to risk my life. That and I'm working my other job tonight anyways.

Job #2 is a bartending job. This one kind of landed in my lap. My friend Liz works there and heard there was a need for someone to work Tuesdays and Wednsdays 2nd shift. Its a little bar in the short north called Mike's Grill. Granted they don't really grill anything. They used to serve pizza but no longer. They just never changed the name, I guess. I didn't even apply for the job. I just showed up, was interviewed, told I'd get a call later, and was called that night and offered a job. I worked for a few hours last night to see if I could handle it and tonight will be my first full night on my own. Course there are a lot of regulars who will probably help me along, so it seems. I look forward to it. Its been a while. I enjoyed last night. Already learned some of the regulars names and everything.

Other than that, I'm looking into filing a chapter 13. One of the forms of bankruptcy. I have to do it. It'd be nice to get all that debt off my back. I just need to figure out how I'm going to afford the attorney. If someone knows something that I don't, it'd be much appreciated.

Other than that, my life has been ok. I'm not going to say its all been hunky dorey but I'm still alive. Still pushing and pulling. I'll get to where I'm going eventually, but for now I'm just surviving. I still hope to move down south someday. Not sure if that'll be possible this summer or not, but that is the ultimate goal.

Onward and upward.
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