Far far too long overdue, I present to you the post chronicling the adventures of Friday night. If you have a super slow computer don't even bother, there are way too many pictures..
I think first off I'll tell the tale and then present the pictures. I'm lazy and it'll just be easier for me that way. So after napping severely post-dinner and watching a show with my dad, I called Adrian to find that he and Peter were already at Node, so I hustled on my way and got there around tenish. Soon enough Squeedge and Adam joined us. There was much in the way of my exclaiming "guys I'm so happy to be here." There was also a communal sandwich....that shit is expensive, and yet. Nate called Adrian and wanted to know if he could join us. I consented. More talking and talking and funning and talking and seeing Victor (eww) and talking and such. Nate arrived and I had to pick my jaw off the floor because he looked so good. We started playing the Buffy sketchy game thingy...where Adrian or Adam would draw the beginnings of a character, usually episode-specific, and we'd guess. By that time i had essentially handed my camera over to Squeedge, so for once all the pictures taken weren't facilitated by me. An obsession with my purse seemed to occur. There was dancing in chairs, falling out of chairs..actually that was just me. Nate hugged me while sitting and I kinda just toppled. There was reminscing and there was Adam knowing everyone who walked in, and there was a ridiculous amount of Buffy obsession. Very good times. Nate and I hugged and he left and then I got made fun of for being all puppy dog eyed..which I so wasn't...soon after we decided that we wanted to take pictures outside. Outside soon became "field trip to Nate's apartment"..so that was fun. We never told him that we were outside his building for like twenty minutes. It smelled like freshly manufactured cardboard out there. We decided we were all going to die of various types of cancer...lung for Squeedge, prostate for Adrian, skin for me, brain for Adam..and Peter is going to die of asbestos poisoning.
Now, the visual accompaniment to this literature.