Tempo Legacy 3.3 »

May 02, 2012 21:47

Hi guys! It's been a while (: Have an update!

Prince: I'm really sorry about your grandpa, Mari.
Marigold: OMG he just kissed my cheek!

Marigold: Hey, Prince... wait a second.
Prince: Sure thing, what's up?

Marigold: Wow.

Prince: I should, uh... I should go.

Marigold: What just happened?

my body stay vicious
i be up in the gym just a'workin' on my fitness

Or not.

Georgia: How'd you forget that it was my birthday!?
I was making sure your babies were skilling, geez!

Gurl, you are fabulous.

Jefferson aged up later 'cause he was at work.

He wasn't too happy about my hacking his dreads off. Punk is dead, shave your head man!

A few days later, Marigold got the guts up to invite Prince out. They ended up going to the graveyard together.
Marigold: I'm sorry for kissing you the other day...
Prince: Don't get me wrong, Mari. I do like you, it's just... I don't want you to think that I'm taking advantage of you.

Marigold: I was wondering, if I haven't already made enough of a fool of myself, would you like to go to prom with me? Even just as friends?

Prince: I'd love to.

Back at the Tempo house...

I gave the garage a little make-over and added some showtime stuff.

Kendall and Naomi loved the karaoke machine.

Glad to see nothing had changed with you, Bryce ♥

Although I'd appreciate it if you'd stop coming in and making your coward of a daughter faint when she should be heading to work D:

Prince invited Mari to the movies for an official first date and gave her flowers.

Aww ♥

Don't hurt yourself, old man.

Ista: Hey Marigold, wha'cha sculpting?
Marigold: I don't know, ask me when I'm done.

Marigold: Or not...

Naomi: Hey let's go to prom together!
Ista: Okay!

I tried to get Kendall to befriend this deer, but it sort of stared at him and then....

flew off into the distance...

He wasn't too beat up about it, though, because it was birthday time!

Naomi: LOL did he just fart sparkles?
Marigold: LOL he totally did!

Handsome ♥ He rolled Animal Lover.

Guess who just maxed fishing!

Georgia got the wish to train someone, so I let her scream at Lain for a few minutes.

It didn't last long, though, because it was time for his birthday!

Hot damn ♥ He rolled Hopeless Romantic.

No heir poll this time! We did one over at tumblr and Marigold got 138? votes!
Thank you for reading, I'll have another update soon!

sims 3, tempo legacy

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