tempo legacy 2.2 » hold up, wait a minute!

Sep 24, 2011 21:25

                      Last time, Bryce and Astra had a cute little baby named Georgia, and then Astra left Bryce to pursue her own interests. Bryce then met a girl named Franceska who had just moved to Hidden Springs.

Bryce: Uh, yes, they're very nice... and, uh round!
Franceska: Aren't they!?

Bryce: So, uh, where are you from, Franceska?
Franceska: Oh! Sunset Valley. It's so boring there though, and when I learned
that my favorite author moved here, I had to come! But it's weird here, everything
is green, and the people are green, and it has me a bit concerned on
what is in the water, you know?

Bryce: No kidding...
Franceska: But you seem alright, you're not green!

Franceska: And you're pretty cute, so that's a plus.

Franceska: So, Mr. Tempo, are you married?
Bryce: It's Bryce. Call me Bryce. And nope, girlfriend took off a couple months
ago and left me with a kid to take care of.

Georgia: LOL fuck this shit, I'm out of here.

Franceska: A kid--oh, wow, is that legal?
Bryce: It's a videogame, does it have to be?

Franceska: Wait a minute, what kind of bitch does that!?
Bryce: Ugh, I don't want to think about it.

Bryce: Shit, there goes my ammo.
Franceska: So what, you just let her go? No consequence, nothing?

Bryce: Look, Franceska. I appreciate the concern, but that was a while ago.
I'm over her, and if anything, Georgie's much safer with me. We're way 
better off without Astra.

Bryce: Plus, the post-breakup misery was a fantastic aid for my last novel.

Franceska: Alright... hand off my boob.
Bryce: Plus, I don't think I could live without Georgia. She makes my days
better and my nights bearable.

She's either concerned for his sanity, or for Georgia's well being;
Pick one.

Franceska: Well, Bryce, it was sure nice to meet you, but I gotta get going.

Franceska: Next time, keep your hands off of my boobs.
They're not yours. Yet.

It wasn't a date? LOL but I'll take it!

Georgia went to her room to play. She's so smart awww. ♥

After Franceska left, Bryce spent some time teaching Georgia how to walk.

Bryce: My baby is walking!

The next day, he decided to ask Franceska out on a date. 
Enthusiasm, Bryce.

There you go!
Bryce: Hey, Franceska? How about you and I go out on a date?

Bryce: Really? Awesome! How about tonight at the diner? Six? See you there!

The place was pretty much deserted, save Franceska.

Well... I thought it was deserted.

I know, baby. I made the same face.

Franceska: OMG did you see that naked girl? DO NOT WANT.

Their date was... strange.

That didn't stop them from having fun. Bryce gave Franceska some flowers...

She LOVED them.

How to Get a Girl to Go Out with You, by Bryce Tempo.
Step One: Sit her down.

Step Two: Wait until she's distracted.

Step Three: Grab her hand.

Step Four: Get close.

Step Five: Hold her.

Step Six: Kiss her.

Bryce: Oh, no, what's wrong?

Franceska: Oh, nothing, I'm just so happy!

She may or may not follow you home. Results may vary.

The next day, Bryce stopped Franceska on her way to work.

Franceska: Babe, I gotta go to the restaurant...
Bryce: I just wanted to know if you were gonna be back in time for Georgie's
birthday party? I want you to have a big part of her life. 
Franceska: Oh, of course I'll be there!

Bryce: Good, now set those people's tastebuds on fire.

Franceska: Who are you?
Drake: Who am I? Who are you?

Bryce: Drake, Elliot! What are you guys doing here?
Drake: Mom said you had a baby!
Elliot: You didn't think we were going to miss her birthday, did you?

Bryce: Where's Faye, Elliot?
Elliot: She tried to kill me again, dude. She's in jail. We're not talking about it.

Pretty soon...

This face causes nightmares across the globe.

She's so cuteeee ahmagawd. Love her ♥ She gained the Coward Trait.

Sleepy from meeting her uncles and all the fuss over her, she fell asleep
pretty quickly. She's adorable. Agh ♥

After Georgia went to sleep and the boys left, Bryce popped the question:
Bryce: Franceska, will you...

Bryce: ...marry me?
Franceska: Ahmagawd yes!

Loving the Outdoors, Georgia spent a lot of her first weekend as a child fishing.

...or outside in her treehouse.

Who rides the bus to school? Not Georgia, who prefers her bike!

Georgia: This homework greatly offends me.

Later that week, Bryce invited Franceska over and asked her to move in.
I think this is a yes. I'm not sure, though.

They celebrated like any young couple would.

Here, Bryce attempts to cook something wholesome for Georgia.

Georgia: Oh, this looks yummy!

Georgia: Tastes like toxins and chemical preservatives.

Convinced that her dad was trying to poison her, Georgia started messing around
with the toy oven. If her dad wouldn't feed her healthy food, she'd do it herself.

When Franceska woke up the next morning, she wasn't feeling so hot.

She didn't make it to the toilet in time, either, and ended up
vomiting all over herself and the floor.

Either Bryce has finally lost it, or...

He's finally becoming an adult!

Georgia: Yay, daddy!

Georgia is silently judging you.

My boy's still got it! ♥

Soon after Bryce's much needed hair cut, Franceska popped.

She didn't tell Bryce until later though.
Franceska: Hey, babe, got a sec?

Bryce: I got all the time in the world for you, sweetie.

Franceska: Thanks, I needed that.
Bryce: Were you going to tell me something?

Franceska: Oh, yeah... Bryce, I'm pregnant.

Bryce: OMG, really!? Great!

Bryce: Aw, there's a little baby growing in there.
Franceska: I kind of want a boy...

We interrupt your sweetness with this swaggin' man maid.

Back to your regularly scheduled sweetness, this one involving Georgia and
her baked goods. Organic goodness? We've got it!

Georgia: They're really good!

Georgia: Hello, good sir! May I interest you in an organic baked good?

Sweetie, there's no one there...
Georgia: I know that! I'm practicing!

She did get a few customers...


including a nice old man who made faces with her.

Before long, Franceska was using the toilet when she pulled this face.
Calm down woman, it's just birth!

It's like one of those "I didn't know I was pregnant" stories where they give birth
on the toilet. Except Franceska knew better.

Huh. Interesting.

While Franceska and I wanted a boy, a girl was what we got!

I like yo weave, gurl.

Meet Heaven Tempo. She's an excitable slob.
Bryce's eyes, Franceska's skin and features.
Black hair. No clue where that came from.

And we're done for the day! Next time, some birthdays, a wedding, possibly another child, and another move! (You should be proud of me, I did three consecutive updates in the same house :P)                         

sims 3, tempo

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