Okay, so you probably hate the trusty ol’ plastic fantastic, but I do hope you don’t hate me for this!
Realistically, everyone can do with some more food storage in their lives, even if it’s just to keep the biscuits safe from marauding housemates, or hide the chocolate from your own sight, thus stifling temptation awhile longer. So, with this in mind, I extend an invitation to you:
Please come to my Tupperware Party!
It’s on Saturday April 8th, 2006, starting at 4:30pm
for a wonderful demonstration presented by Ellen, at my house:
RSVP for the address!
(just leave your email address in a comment and tell me you're going to come along...)
Please feel free to bring a friend or two…
Please RSVP by April 6th, 2006, which is Thursday next week
by email:
by phone call or SMS: 0409911308
but whatever way you choose to do it, please let me know if you are coming! Thanks.
There will be (healthy) nibbles and dip, and nice things to munch, and if you’d like to stay for dinner afterwards, please bring some meat for a BBQ. I’ll make a salad or two. You’re, of course, under no obligation to attend, but you should know I’d really love to see you. It’d be great to have your support!
Hope to see you there!