My face feels like it would hurt less if I ripped the lower right quarter of it off, my car is a piece of fucking German bullshit that won't start and Telstra said my proposal was too general and want it refined. Today sucks like a pornographic black hole.
Yesterday, my attitude was great, I was all perky and bouncy despite more than eight hours of face pain, the inability to eat/chew, massive car irritations in the form of not starting, an hour and ten minutes wasted waiting in the cold for the useless RACV man who couldn't push my car and getting home after 21:00. THEN I read the email from Telstra and it all caught up with me. Why the FUCK can't things be simple for me??? Arrrrrrrgh!
*tears cute hair from head*
To make it worse,
mike_zero thinks I'm annoyed at him because he couldn't fix my problems, but that's just so not the case.
Today fucking stinks.
I want a hug.