Aug 09, 2009 04:00
[Voiced - 70% Filtered against Drusilla]
Angel's back. He got back a few nights ago, but he wasn't really returned in the mintest of conditions. I've done as much as a girl can do to keep him house-bound because of his--uhm--situation, but just in case he gets out? Give him a hand if you see him. He'll probably not want it, but he will need it. Thanks.
[Exactly what condition is Angel left in? Well, ask away and Buffy will probably have enough time to answer before she leaves the house for the evening. There's a back-pack of patrolling equipment that needs to be picked up and a Doctor to find for a small chat. Not to mention the patrol slack to pick up now that Angel's in the incapacitated column.
Buffy will be headed to Community Building One to get her previously abandoned stuff. Feel free to intercept her anywhere along the line before she barges into the Starfleet apartment--sans knocking--and looks to be in a panic as she tries to find her scattered things. Is that a flask of holy water under the table?
Angel? She'll be back later that evening. Feel free to be indignant about how she gave you the slip for the sake of patrolling and has left you in Wesley's capable care.]
filtered: against drusilla,