voice & action ✪ now with added filtery goodness

May 31, 2011 11:06

[ buffy has been running on autopilot. smile at the right times, nod in the right moments. make the appropriately inappropriate remarks about over-sugared coffees and pop music at all the wrong times in just the right ways. it isn't hard to do once she sets her mind to it; after all, she had done it in sunnydale for seven years ( Read more... )

inferiority complex in three two one, aching for good slay, buffy the tuesday slayer, o captain my captain, this is code for coping, broken hearts are your gift, !action, buffy is the honey, let's pretend things are okay, !voice, maybe this was a bad idea, the first rule of fight school, oh the drama, visions of sunnydale, public service announcement, old slayer; new tricks

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hippocraticly May 31 2011, 17:38:01 UTC
[ McCoy's been stuck in the house for most of the day and has spent the time cooking up a storm in the kitchen. now he's sitting at the table waiting for his culinary efforts to bake and fiddling around with his medical tricorder. ]


slaying May 31 2011, 17:43:18 UTC
[ after a few various safety-related errands, buffy comes home for supper.

she breaths in deep once she's through the door. ] Something smells yummy.


hippocraticly May 31 2011, 17:46:27 UTC
Chocolate pecan pie. [ because he's been feeling inspired with a child in the house. ]


slaying May 31 2011, 17:49:15 UTC
...I love you, Bones. You are a god among men.

[ desserts are awesome. ]


hippocraticly May 31 2011, 17:59:43 UTC
Now, there's a greeting I could get used to.


slaying May 31 2011, 18:19:54 UTC
[ in a crisis, little things like chocolate make all the difference. ]

By the way, I'm getting a bit of magic put on the house. Nothing visible. Just enough to keep our non-friend the death goddess out.


hippocraticly May 31 2011, 18:24:20 UTC
... Magic?


slaying May 31 2011, 18:29:29 UTC
A spell...one from Giles and one from his friend, Helios. So two spells.


hippocraticly May 31 2011, 18:43:09 UTC
[ McCoy remembers the suggestion Willow made to prevent break-ins and there being a spell involved in the process, but still... magic; having a supernatural veil over the house can't be healthy. ]

I'm no magician, but won't one be enough?


slaying May 31 2011, 20:25:29 UTC
The one Giles already did will sort of...kick up an alarm if someone who's not supposed to tries to enter. Particularly big bad powerful someones. This second one is more about the actual keeping out.


hippocraticly May 31 2011, 20:27:14 UTC
Wait, there's one already in effect!?

[ McCoy looks around the house suspiciously. ]


slaying May 31 2011, 20:35:15 UTC
Just a small one. Barely a spell. More like half a spell. A 'spe'. No 'll'.


hippocraticly May 31 2011, 20:39:03 UTC
Summers... [ he'll let it slide; this business with Jack pissing off a "death god" has him on edge and he's concerned for Jilly. ]


slaying May 31 2011, 20:40:53 UTC
I wouldn't have had him do it if I didn't think it would help. You know I'm first in line at the ooh, magic's dangerous kiosk.


hippocraticly May 31 2011, 20:45:24 UTC
Sure, I know that. You've told me enough horror stories about it.


slaying May 31 2011, 20:50:10 UTC
And I'd trust Giles with...with a lot. He has done this kinda thing before and he might not be Willow-levels of powerful. But he's up there.


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