
Jul 05, 2010 23:51

[Bones is missing. Buffy hardly believed it at first--she had been distracted the first night by her argument with Jack and the subsequent solace found in Spike's apartment. But then the note is still on the fridge, days later. It isn't so strange for Buffy and Bones simply not to cross paths but...for this long?

She is way past worrying. Was it a kidnapping? There weren't always broadcasts. Hmm.]

Has anyone seen Bo--Doctor McCoy? He's been seriously MIA from the house and I checked the clinic. No signs of a struggle so I'm thinking this isn't a kidnap scenario.

[Later--during a preliminary sweep of the village's perimeter--Buffy searches anxiously. She's kitted out with a crossbow and dark, all-business clothing. Girl's got a real case of the serious business demeanour.]


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