Poetry Friday: Heart not so heavy as mine by Emily Dickinson

Aug 16, 2013 07:00

Heart not so heavy as mine,
Wending late home,
As it passed my window
Whistled itself a tune,-

A careless snatch, a ballad,
A ditty of the street;
Yet to my irritated ear
An anodyne so sweet,

It was as if a bobolink,
Sauntering this way,
Carolled and mused and carolled,
Then bubbled slow away.

It was as if a chirping brook
Upon a toilsome way
Set bleeding feet to minuets
Without the knowing why.

To-morrow, night will come again,
Weary, perhaps, and sore.
Ah, bugle, by my window,
I pray you stroll once more!

- Emily Dickinson

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