Tanya Lee Stone is looking for contributions to her next book. I plan to write a little something for her, and I hope you'll consider it as well! She permitted me to post this here at my blog.
From Tanya:
If you're reading this, it's because I'm inviting you to help out on my newest book. I write books for young readers and teens. This book is about Barbie and her impact on our culture, and I want to hear your Barbie stories. It will be titled Barbie: For Better, For Worse.
I've included some topics below, but if you have something different to share, that's fine too. I don't know how many stories I will receive, or how many I will be able to include because I'm asking people from all over the country, but I hope you will send yours along for consideration (150 words or less, please--even one or two sentences is fine). Here are some ideas:
Not Perfect and Proud of It -- Nobody can live up to the perfect stereotype that is Barbie. Do you have a Barbie moment to share in which you realized that and felt happy with who you are?
In My Image -- Did you ever give Barbie a makeover to reflect who you are (i.e., changing Barbie’s hair or making her a tomboy who likes to go wilderness camping, or whatever....)
Bad Barbie -- Did you ever rebel against the idea that girls should be good and quiet and nice-and make Barbie do things not so nice on purpose. Barbie as Bargaining Chip-did you ever use your Barbie collection as a way to gain friends and influence people!
Barbie Bashing -- Have you ever mangled or mutilated your Barbie, chopped off her hair, a limb, hurt her in some way? Why? What was the motivation and how did it make you feel?
It's Not Black and White -- African-American, Muslim, Hispanic, and Asian Barbies have been made available. Do you have a story to share about why or why not you did or did not choose a non-white Barbie?
In Her Shoes -- Did you ever pretend to be Barbie or do any role-playing with her? Include romantic role-playing.
Important Notes!
Please keep your story to 150 words or less.
Email it to
tanyastone@tanyastone.com before December 20th, 2008.
If you're under 18, please include your first name, age, and the email address(es) of your parent(s) so Tanya can contact them for permission to use your story, or a quote from it, if it is selected.
Happy writing!