Being bored at work is a not good thing! A very not good thing when you end up reading something like the above. WTF? More than half of those were either stupid or just mind numbingly insulting to women. I realize it was written for guys to make them feel better about themselves or whatever but still there was no reason to attack women.
On the other hand here is Cosmo's list for the ladies. Maybe its because I was so pissed at the guys list but this one seems a lot nicer towards the gents then they were towards us ladies. I don't know maybe it was just me. What do you think flist? Was the top 10 for men needlessly rude (and freakin' wrong on several of their pointes (one of which they point out is wrong in their description! You can't still count it if its been proven wrong by science morons)) or do you feel both lists are equally mean to the opposite sex?