CHARACTER SERIES: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Backtagging: Always! <3
Threadhopping: Sure!
Fourthwalling: No, thank you!
Offensive subjects: I'm fairly open-minded when it comes to myself and my Slay-gal. However, if you thihnk it's something I'm going to have a problem with, feel free to message me and we'll talk! :)
Hugging this character: Buffy loves hugs, providing she knows you. If not? Then she may be a little squinky.
Kissing this character: She's not adverse to kissing at all, again, providing she knows you! ;) Well, and there's reason.
Flirting with this character: Sure. She might turn into Spazzy!Buffy as a result but why not.
Fighting with this character: Buffy's a Vampire Slayer which means she's blessed with quick healing, supernatural strength and speed, etc, etc. You can fight with her, but Buffy is good at her job and fighting is a big part of that.
Injuring this character: It takes a lot. See the previous point on being a Vampire Slayer.
Killing this character: Nope. The only one that gets to do that is her Mun. Who is evil enough that she doesn't need help from anyone. ;)
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: Hmmm. Ask first. If it's to do with a thread then Buffy doesn't mind but she doesn't want to be puppeted ... Puppeteered?
IC/OOC Permissions meme!