I hate rude people! Today I was heading out to my car after work and this man parked next to me decides what fun it would be to slam his car door into the side of mine! Heh, obviosuly this pissed me off. I went up and checked my car, and told him he dinged my car on purpose and thats just extremely rude and he owed me an apology. Heh, he said like you've never done it, and no I haven't which I told him, and that some of us respect other people's property. He then said fuck it, its just a crappy cavalier and almost ran over me getting away. Soooooo if anyone sees a red porsche with an old man driving with a SC liscense plate that sayd 18GREEN, have no mercy! I know if I see his car anywhere.....anyway...quiz time!
Which Diablo character are you? Whoa, whoa, whoa! You are a psycho! Why would you
kill someone? Because you're a psycho, that's
why. You find fun in torturing others, although
you wouldn't call it torturing. You probably
have your own special name for it. You have a
strange sense of humor, and people might
consider you "different." If you're
not an assassin already, you most likely hurt
animals or lizards. This is a bad sign. I hope
you get mental help before we see your face on
America's DEFINITELY Most Wanted.
WHY Would You KILL Someone?