2nd Wicca Spell [Action]

Sep 06, 2010 11:47

[ For most of the day, Willow's killing time before the big meeting. For the beginning and middle parts of the day, Willow is cooking. Yes, House 7 smells of food today. Early in the morning, she gets up to cook breakfast, pancakes - and she's totally taking orders from anyone who's actually up with her - and omelets if you guys are lucky. Any shape, any flavor. She might be looking pensive while she cooks, too. She misses Tara.

Later in the day, she's making a homemade soup. Little on the spicy side, but not terribly so. And she's still doing it all by hand. No magic at all. Not even to get the water hot. Feel free to run into her at either time or both. She's examining her journal while the soup's cooking, sitting at the kitchen table, so totally open to being disturbed.

Between cooking times, she'll make a pit stop in the library just to look around. Needs to kill time between cooking and the meeting. She's nervous about what Giles might have to tell her regarding the magic and her addiction at home. Everything's different here and she's very preoccupied. Chances are she might run into someone or walk right by them without noticing. ]

((ooc: party style for the morning if you guys want to? House 7 breakfast party. Otherwise, I'll just assume people came and went while she was cooking and eating.))

scared of my power, -luceti, missing tara, food solves everything, getting to know housemates, big scooby meeting, willow is actually a good cook, the library needs a tuneup

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