Modpost: Tagging quirks. Plus challenge.

Sep 01, 2006 20:31

I love this forced revisiting of old stuff; it's reintroducing me to everything. (collapses)

And in light, of that, I have a wishlist.

1. More of several arcs and authors whose postage has lessened. Since people don't like to be pushed, I won't name names, but please assume I want *you* to write/draw more. Yes. You.

2. More love for reviewers. Sometimes people comment long after a post, and therefore get no love. We are an amazingly civil community and deserve credit, but people do fall by the wayside. Jenna, I'm looking guiltily at you. Um. Brownies?

3. More discussion.

4. A way to *stay* signed on as slayers_etc would be nice. I'm going to have to go weed about 20 posts out of my personal memories. =.=

5. For this fandom to be large enough again to have a beta-reader pool. (sigh)

Archival stuff for reference b/c my mind works the wierdly.

* If a tag or whatnot consists of initials (ex: LX), both characters referred to will be prominent/in the story, but may or not be paired. In some categories--ZX and XM come to mind--well... you pays your money and you takes your chances. (cackles)

* PWP means no plot. Gen vignettes/unset gems of dialogue/gorgeous drawings without context have no plot. Where else can you find a gen PWP? O-HOHOHOHO! O-HOHOHO! O-K, I'm done now.

* Only five categories are allowed for the memory function. If I didn't do your piece justice, I can only apologize, but if you wanted to emphasize something different about it instead of one of the categories I put, let me know.

* I made up a couple of categories.
DARKWAFF is for stories that feel fluffy once you get past the twisted. H/C falls in this category.
MAZOKU stories probably involve mazoku. Alternately, a mazoku reader might enjoy them. These fics are on a warning spectrum from adorable darkwaffy mutual usage to mindfucks to torture/noncon involving non-masochists and back to pure sadistic authoringheheheheheheh. Select carefully.

* If I didn't call you what you want to be called, please let me know. Like, soon.

* Will the next poster who isn't a mod try to tag their post and tell me here if it doesn't work? It would be informative and appreciated. Thanks in advance. ^,^

* Posts with only invalid links did not get tagged or memoried. If you posted some fanart, and photobucket nixed it, but now you've been alerted and fixed the link, please let me know--and when you do, please include the URL of your post.

Now, to make this post really legit, I have a discussion prompt: While it may look otherwise at first glance, [character] is, canonically, not a goober/there is canon evidence for [character] to be paired with someone other than [tradish-partner]. Please support, refute, or write a shortfic. One of the three. ^,^

challenge, faq, modpost, discussion, community

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