Round 13 voting

Jan 27, 2007 11:53

Voting Rules:

1. You can vote for yourself.

2. You can only vote one person per category. Cheating is not tolerated. This especially means voting under different usernames (we do screen). Doing so will get you banned, no questions asked.

3. Vote for each category! If you don't your vote will not count. Please use the 'none of the above' option in categories you do not wish to vote in.

4. Voting will end Saturday, 12 midnight EST. (Monday, just for this week)

Note: bizzaro_land 'resurrection' has a continuation H E R E.

Also: The threesome category was dropped because I was looking for sexual threesomes and only received one nomination...which is ok! I will extend the threesome category into the next round for both sexual threesomes and small game threesomes. :)

Poll Round 13
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