I spent most of the day playing nurse, but plenty of other good stuff was accomplished as well. Justin had surgery to remove a large cyst. He is fine, and I have only been a bit mischievous/evil a few times in regards to his hydrocodone-induced slurry speech patterns. It could be a long night but I set the alarm to administer the pain meds before his pain actually kicks in.
I have the morning off tomorrow, and then I am back to the office. Since I took actual vacation days, this means I have 6 what's-up-with-this-project emails from the boss and others. Of course I checked the email mid-afternoon and I am already dreading the workday. It's a pretty simple system. I complete my assignments ahead of time, send them off and the recipients usually lose them in their email stack or weeks later (as in today), the boss asks about them. Unfortunately, I can't usually respond with..check your fucking email from weeks ago. blah.blah.bitch.bitch
Sooo...on a whim yesterday I sent a resume to a company recommended by my college advisor. Not only did I hear from them immediately, but I already have an interview set up for Monday. Not sure if it will lead to anything, but the practice is always good.
If Justin is up for it, we have a good opportunity for live music Sat. night. Then on Sunday my interior decorator/teacher friend is coming over. I designed some labels for her new photography line and she is going to help me hang stuff. Time to ready the power tools!!