Dec 27, 2014 22:12

2015 YEAR OF EVANGELION!wows super last minute time capsule but get all your thoughts in quick!! we have to remember all the happy timez from this year, all the accomplishments, all the fails, and all the "(insert bias name here) FUQ ME, TOUCH ME, ETC" late at night tweets. u say you don't have any?// wELL I DON'T BELIEVE U ( Read more... )

new year, time capsule

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Re: THE. TIME. IS NOW. DON'T HAVE A COW. hellodanika January 3 2015, 08:32:15 UTC
Dear you,

You're writing this in 2015 ha no surprise there. I hope that 2015 is an amazing year for you. You're already in it convinced that it will be your year, so I hope that held true! In 2014 you did a lot even though you think you didn't, but isn't that how it always is? There were quite a few "firsts" involved: You finally transferred out and had your first year at SFSU, you went on the plane/to LA by yourself to see Perfume, and *drum roll* YOU FINALLY GOT A JOB! lol and it was in retail too. Pfft. Oh well, took you long enough. It was all for Perfume and it was so worth it. (REMEMBER UGLY CRYING DURING DREAM FIGHTER??) Never forget the hours you spent arranging countless ties and folding countless scarves, as well as the kind people you work with (Robert, Christina, Darnell, Rachel, Tina, etc.) who make the long days and ungrateful customers bearable. Fanime with all the boys was so fun. Don't forget about the maid cafe and bowing during Thank You!!. lol and don't forget trying to find B1A4 with Chris and uber-ing all around the city, only to miss them by like an hour. ALSO KMF BREAKFAST. You know what I'm talking about. You learned and experienced a lot this year, so I hope you remember all the good things. K-POP wise, this was a tough year. Your top faves took a hit and you lost some very special people. Things around the world were tough too. But remember what you keep telling yourself, Danika. Keep your head up, keep trying /your/ best and don't apologize for it. That's all you can do and that's enough.

How was 2015? Were you able to graduate this year? I worry about this... but at the same time, I'm sure things will work out for the best. Are you still translating things? I hope you got better! DID YOU GET TO SEE TARA? My goodness I hope that actually happened. How was all the anime from this year? Did you write more DRRR!! fan fiction? lmao. How about Digimon? IS MIO STILL YOUR FAVE CG?? Who went to Fanime this year? Do you and the crew still shitcade? Were you able to get your dream shoes and your dream hair? How about all your plans? Did at least one of them come true in some way? I HOPE YOU'RE STILL SINGING AND WRITING YOU POOP. Did you meet more people? What kind of crazy stuff did you get into with Chris? I hope this year had more "firsts", and good ones at that! This year was a good one, right? I trust that you made it so.


And before I go, remember some wise words: "Hey there. You're an opera star. Get laid."



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