Dec 27, 2014 22:12

2015 YEAR OF EVANGELION!wows super last minute time capsule but get all your thoughts in quick!! we have to remember all the happy timez from this year, all the accomplishments, all the fails, and all the "(insert bias name here) FUQ ME, TOUCH ME, ETC" late at night tweets. u say you don't have any?// wELL I DON'T BELIEVE U ( Read more... )

new year, time capsule

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"i still feel like im on a 30 day trial friendship mode sometimes let’s be frans for 500 centuries maria_refuge January 1 2015, 15:33:56 UTC
Anyway, if it makes you feel any better, I didn't write letters to anyone in 2014.
If we're basically toumaki, we're basically at really gay anime bro level. Are you ok with this?

IS THIS WHAT YOU THINK OF ME? HOW DID I END UP AS SPIDER MOM? What ridiculous otp will we represent once the third years leave? Will it be this one?

lmao this isn't exactly related but one time in 2014, Jess was like "Wait, wtf why is Carolina batman and why do you have an ice fortress? You're more like batman and she's nice like superman. You guys are backwards." and I didn't have an answer so I just said "ok". I'm pretty sure I still have your ring. I put it in a box in my desk.

ANYWAY, I hope 2015 is a better year for us both. I hope your stomach problems chill and you get some of that happiness you lost back :c

I don't remember much about 2014 except that you and I argued quite a bit. Ok not really ARGUED but, we had a lot of misunderstandings. It's not hard for me to look back on that because I'm actually glad we were able to do that. It's not like I want us to be that way ALWAYS but it helps us to understand each other more, Little by little. At least I think so. I do remember being a bit bummed when someone we both hold dear (I WON'T SELL THIS PERSON OUT THO) took me aside after one of our old married couple quarrels and was like "I kind of think we all see your feelings for her... except her :c " THE WHOLE WORLD KNOWS I LOVE YOU BUT YOU.
*cue sappy shoujo soundtrack*
Ahjumma, will my feelings reach you in 2015?

but really, I do know I suck at shit like this
If I may say so, don't ever compare our friendship to that which I have with someone else. You're allowed to call me names and yell at me. Most people aren't. It's lame to say that I feel different about our friendship because you're so close to me if I never visited you but 2014 didn't count. 2014 was just ... something I don't want to repeat. SO HOPEFULLY I PRESSED THE REFRESH BUTTON AND STARTED GOING TO LA MORE IN 2015. Not just for concerts. Just to see you and idk look at panda books. I've never been unhappy around you so you should keep that in mind. I don't like being around people but it's fun being around you n___n. Hellooooo nobody has ever convinced me to sing with them or do dances with them. You haven't either lol it just happens because I'm happy. I will try more to get rid of your doubts because you're a poop that thinks too much and I'm a poop that doesn't say enough.
If this was shoujo, we'd be the otp that didn't happen because ~MISUNDERSTANDINGS~

Anyway, you're a butt but it's ok. I am a butt too. We can be butts together. You have to join the miyuki fanclub tho


I hope we got to watch the nge rebuild blurays and survive the angel attacks in 2015. A.T. FIELD, FULL POWER!


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