(no subject)

Nov 04, 2004 00:39

I really kind of find it amusing all the ignorant people of my generation who believe the US will now go to hell since George Bush has been re-elected. I'll be the first to tell you he's not the best president in the world...Is he even a good one? Eh...I'll give him a couple props, but not many...But between the two candidates (and yes, there are only two, no matter how many fucktard third party piece of shits are running, because their lives are pointless) Bush was the much better choice...John Kerry is a douche bag, and here are my reasons...First and most importantly, he votes to slash intelligence spending...How are we going to make a safer America spending less on trying to prevent terror attacks? I believe he also once said terrorism wasnt a huge threat (something along those lines at least after the 1993 World Trade Center Bombing)...Hmmm...Glad to see it isn't a big threat...And as for all you people who will counter that Bush let 9-11 happen, he didnt...Get off your high horse...9-11 was planned long before he took office, he wasn't even in 8 months at that point...And here's a list of shit that happened while a democrat was president before him: World Trade Center Bombing, USS Cole Bombing, multiple Embassy bombings...And before anyone says shit about "That wasn't on US Soil", because yes I have heard that, a US Embassy IS US Soil...When the US has an Embassy, when you're on their grounds, be it in Africa, Australia, Europe, or even in Iraq, when you're on the grounds, you're on American soil...And regardless, it's a piece of the US thats being attacked, whether it's on our soil or not, as in the USS Cole bombing...And further more, as since some of my friends are now employed in Embassies around the world, and as a person who could potentially work in one, that is EXACTLY the same as the attack on the World Trade Center...Innocent CIVILIANS...Just because we work for the government, does not mean we are paid to put our lives on the line like the army...Should our troops die? No...Should they be in Iraq? I won't say yes or no, because I have thoughts on both...But by signing up for the military they knew the risks...No one twisted their fucking arm and made them join...And if there is a draft, oh well...Bitch about it...If a draft comes, I'll sign up before they draft me...I've changed my views a lot as I've grown more mature, but unlike Kerry, I'm not changing my views to get votes...Speaking of which, that's another of my Kerry is a Douche Bag points..."I hate oranges...Im allergic to them..." "Yeah, well I like them..." "Oh, I like em too...Disregard what I just said..." An example of Kerrys indecisiveness...John Kerry also voted against getting body armor for the military...I believe he cited cost as a reason not to, but what reason would there be not to? Its not his money...And can you put a price on someone elses life? I bet if his ass were there, he'd want body armor...

I really know there is more I want to say on the subject...But I have grown tired in my writing this, and there's really no point for me to write it anyone...No one who reads my journal is for Bush, so I'll just get bashed for it all anyways...

But I would like everyone to know, our generation are lazy, useless, whiny bitch ass, pieces of shit...Am I a hypocrite for saying this, considering Im whiny and lazy? Yeah...If you say you're not a hypocrite then you're a lying sack of shit...Everyone is...Face it, or face my balls bitch...

Im really angry and need some more beer, so Im going now...
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