May 25, 2007 13:46
yeah so I haven't written since Feb 8th lol. Kinda crazy. I haven't felt the urge to write in this thing like I use to. It's not like stuff hasn't been going on just no urge to write. Til now.
Things with Michelle are going great...she got tickets to go to see the Yankees and Red Sox in NY back early this month, which was awesome and they were great seats. I'd share pictures cept I didn't bring my camera. I'm really slacking on taking pictures as of can tell when I'm asked for pictures for Vance for the end of year slideshow for the RA Banquet and I got nothing.
I applied to be a PA for next semester and sadly didn't get it, which I think I was screwed out of...espically when they hire people that I know probably don't deserve it...I won't say who on here, but sucks when I feel one or two might be the laziest RA's I've ever seen. Both me and John Dunay, who is an RA in Gaulladette who are really capable of handeling the job were denied. It sucks cause when i got the letter for it, instead of handing me just one...they hand me two. Which meant in one letter they said, nope we didn't hire you while the other says we'll hire you back as an RA. Would of really enjoyed a change of scenery for my last semester.
Yes my last semester, I will finally be graduating in December! Three more classes and finally I can leave CCSU as a graduate. I just hope I get a descent grade in History of Film this semester, thats the only class where I'm skeptic of my grade, not that I did bad I just have no idea how I did on my final and last paper. How ever I feel I'll get B's or A's in the rest of my classes. Espically TV Production, Comm managament and hopefully Digital Photography...god my teacher in the class was a prick. Selfabsorbant, all about himself, blaming school equipment shortages on me not being prepared.
Oh and during the semester we had not one but two RA's "that we removed from their position" which sucked ass....but oh well not much you can do about that. Next semester it will be pretty much a new staff, cept for Me, Kelly, Mike and Jodi. I dunno wether or not Devekka is coming back. Staff night after it was all said and done was pretty fun. Great night!
I've seen quite a few movies recently...Meet the Robinsons, Blades of Glory and Spiderman 3 with Shelly. Though I kinda dragged her to Spidey. We went and Saw Shrek the 3rd last weekend and last night I saw Pirates of the Caribbean At World's End last night with my brother Adam and Phil. All of them were great...cept with Shrek, most of the good scenes in the movie...were in the trailers and previews. So that sucked. I'm gonna be so broke cause of summer movies by the end of the summer but it will be worth it. Still got Transformers, The Simpsons movie, Harry Potter and more! :)
This weekend should be good, going to Trumbull, Monday Shell and I are going to Mememorial day BBQ at Jackie and Kevin's. Love hanging out with Shelly's friends so much fun, never a dull moment. Tuesday, Michelle wants me there for when Emma get spayed and Wed as the last part of my birthday I get to go to Weird Al Concert. Yes I'm going to see Weird Al in concert lol. Should be fun.
I think thats it for now.