Aug 06, 2006 19:50
I think I'm ready to go back to school. Work sucks ass. Seriously I should of tried a little harder to find another job, but Sears has been particularly crappy this year. The first summer out of the three years I've worked there they've tried to institute manditory meetings at 6:30 in the morning. Yes you read that right...6:30 AM. I have to goto part 2 tommorow. I never went to part one cause they only offered it once and I was in Mass helping Michelle move in to Bentley, which to me was more important oh and getting cut down from 30 almost 40 hours to 20 hours SUCKS ASS. So at the start of the summer I was makin some good money to this past paychck where I had about 40 hours combined for two weeks and got only 245 dollars. Meh. They're treating their employees like crap and none of the managers seem to realzie that a bunch of people are unhappy.
Other stuff...My mom has seemed particulalrly bitchy as of late. It's frustrating cause I've had Michelle over a lot and she sees some of it, but kinda bad tonight after Michelle left tonight. My dad is trying to prep for these new windows and doors that are coming in for our TV room and he was telling her what was going on and she was getting annoyed, but she said that she just tired and grumpy and so on and said her stoumach hurts when she eats and it started during this heatwave, my dad said if she should go to a doctor but she didn't care, which kinda worries me. Before I showered tonight My brother and I were watching Dodgeball on HBO and the chuck norris scene was on and I said it was the best scene in the movie and we just talked about it and she got like "you two better not be arguing" we said "we;re just talking" and she goes "whatever" and when I went to shower I offered to take back the towels and put them away for her and she said no. Kinda makes me wanna get out here as fast as I can, so here's hopeing after I figure out my Central/Charter Oak stuff, I'll be done after this year.
Yeah I'm looking at taking my CCSU credits to Charter Oak to get out a whole lot faster....I got my pre-eval and I don't need a whole lot more for ma BA in Liberal Arts, but I gotta figure out waht they will take for a communications concentration and if I'm almost done there. So at most I can have my Bacherlors from Charter Oak in a year...I know some will say one from Central might be better, but at this point I don't care. It's a degree and I could always go to Conn School of Broadcasting for some more expirence and such, but thats to be decided later after my degree.
So anyways things with Michelle are great as always. She's the best, last weekend she came down here, we did a bunch of stuff like go to the beach and mini golf and shopping and such. This weekend Michelle came down friday, picked me up and we went up to Trumbull to go see Jackie in Fame. Jackie is one of Shelly's friends that I met a while ago and Michelle and Jackie are best friends and are very a like. Jackie is cool, so I didn't mind going and it was really really good. Nethir of us had seen the TV show or movie or whatever and we both loved it. Jackie has her masters in dance, so she mostly a backround student and told her afterwards the scenes without her needed more Jackie. So afterwards the 3 of us went to Senior Panchos, for a drink or two. Great place but I love when they can't understand you and you can't understand them. We came back here, she went out for a bit with Jenn, to Koto and such. When she got back, we chilled, played some Animal Crossing and Mario Tennis on the good old Gamecube.
Today, we went out, did somemore shopping, had to go to Sears for some stuff for her so I can give her my discount, which was fine and dandy but one of the managers who I've known before Sears, gave me a hard time about Michelle giving me cash to pay for the clothes that were for her to begin with, cause Sears has a thing pay with cash or pay with a sears charge card...I wasn't about to pay with cash and Michelle had enough so I had to put on the charge cause even though it was cash, she gave me a hard time, about that which pissed me off. Said she was trying to protect me from potentially getting fired...and I was like WHAT?
Anyways, next weekend I head up to Bentley to see Michelle again and well, it's the last time before she goes into training and before I go into RA training...Not gonna see each other for a while, which is going to suck majorly, but we'll make it through. I'm confident we will. Michelle is the absoulte best thing to happen to me :) She rocks my socks and I'm definitly proud, glad, happy, whtever else to let people know it. Michelle, Your the best baby :)