I managed to find
Darla a week or so ago. Well, not really "find" more "stumbled upon", but you get my point. She's--I mean the things she said--I never thought I'd get so worked up over a Vamp. I get worked up staking them, sure, but that's a whole different thing. It's a rush. Kinda hot too. But Darla... mmm, the things I could do to that body.
This is so messed up. I should be staking her, not wanting her.
I've been doing a lot of training these past two weeks, I can't be sure, but I think something's gone wrong with the enhancers, like they're fizzling out or something. It's taking more effort than it use to. I almost got my ass killed last night when I couldn't get a Vamp off me (and wasn't that fun). I don't want to worry
Eve, though. Oh god, Eve...
I've been so neglectful. I hope she'll forgive me. *sigh*
If these enhancers fizzle out completely I'm gonna be in so much shit. I'll have to speak to Knox in the science division, see what he thinks. Maybe he'll hook me up.
I hope.