Oct 13, 2004 18:59
hi, school is a drag.
i got really sick last night, and felt like shit this morning.
but i still went, b/c im awesome.
ummm.. today at lunch.. Amanda was staring at me, then all of a sudden she said:
"I love you Rachel, let's get married" it made me happy.
she's so funny.
im sick.
i hate homework.
i hate being constantly tired.
something's wrong with me.
it's almost the weekend.
the only think i am looking forward to is sleeping in.
im excited.
Saturday is sweetest day..
how cute?
or not.
i like autumn.
it is my favorite season, i wish it was all year round.
that'd be nice.
well, i guess i'll go be sick some more.
and do some homework.
leave me a comment, orr... i'll gut you.
edittttt: Happy Birthday Kayleen :-*<3