Out of Milliways: The lakeside

Dec 19, 2007 11:16

Mel has plans for Christmas ( Read more... )

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dreamer_fray December 19 2007, 14:41:59 UTC

Harth goes outside a fair bit, these days. Not exactly all the time, but he likes the open air, and making a dash for the bar door after waiting just a little too long for the sun to come up adds a touch of excitement to what might otherwise be a bit of a routine existence.

Thus: Harth. Running up to keep pace alongside his sister, or try, with a grin.

"Mornin', Mel!"


slayer_fray December 19 2007, 15:06:47 UTC
Mel picks up the pace, because she's a big meanie like that.

"Morning, brat. How's the after-un-life?"


dreamer_fray December 19 2007, 15:18:36 UTC
Ooo. Competition.

"Eh," he says eloquently. "Same old. I'm tentacle-farming these days. Yours?"


slayer_fray December 19 2007, 15:29:10 UTC
Mel shrugs.

"Been killing a lot of your old friends. And going horseback riding.



dreamer_fray December 19 2007, 16:00:51 UTC
"I highly doubt we were friends," he says loftily. Really, what would an evil overlord do with friends?

"And yes. They kinda multiply if you try'n prune 'em. But I may be jealous of the horseback riding. Where'd you do that?"


slayer_fray December 20 2007, 00:17:21 UTC
"Minions, then," Mel allows,still jogging down the pathalong the lake. "Tortall.



dreamer_fray December 20 2007, 00:20:19 UTC
Harth grins. "That's better. Oh, where Alanna and Thom're from? That's jake." He likes the other pair of twins, even if Alanna is regretfully virtuous.

"Tentacle plants," he clarifies.

Sort of.


unweeping_stone December 23 2007, 02:53:35 UTC
At the edge of the woods stands a statue - perhaps a memorial put up for the lost land of Dreaming, or just some stonemason's idle play.

Either way, the angel with her bowed head and carefully coiffed hair and delicate hands over her face doesn't look like it belongs there. Perhaps in a graveyard, over some long-dead filthy rich patriarch, but not on the edge of the woods on a frosty December morning.


slayer_fray December 23 2007, 02:56:33 UTC
Mel finally draws to a halt near the statue, bearly registering it, really. Lots of things look out of place around here: she doesn't know where it should be.

"What have you been doing in that greenhouse of yours?" She asks Harth directly.


dreamer_fray December 23 2007, 11:28:41 UTC
"Gardening," he replies, in a duh tone of voice, coming to a halt beside her.

"What did you expect, dark rituals?"

Bar doesn't so much give out cups carved from human skulls.


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