As if the singing, dancing, mortal embarrassment and bonus feature of people sponataneously combusting wasn't fun enough, Connor, Dylan and their team are in town. Turns out the powers decided to send Destiny a vision of Giles and me, possibly the rest of our friends, singing and dancing before one or more of us burst into flames. Oh, not that the
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Which way do you want to go?
Um, yeah, I'm telepathic and empathic, so you may want to shield some of your thoughts.
I'm not an incubus though, so that's cool right?
Um yeah peachy keen.
It's just I switched powers with Rhia once and I'd rather not end up succubuffy if weirdness happens again. Telepathic I've done, I think I can handle it better.
*eyes scan the area they are patrolling*
It's kind of surreal to meet you.
I still don't get where this whole legendary thing comes from, I mean just me here.
You know I do the whole putting on of pants one leg at a time, I have trouble paying my bills. You know the easiest way to get over the whole legendary thing would be to compare notes with my little sister, but I think I'll not do that.
Yeah, I'm the youngest so my brother would probably agree with you there. Hell, Rhia too.
You've managed to do what most slayers before you haven't. Put the fear into the major demons. You noticed they made the big plays in LA and not on the Hellmouth. Except for Ashmore, but he always was different than most of the others.
Kidding. I think.
It's not me though, it's the whole team thing. I mean without the research and stuff I wouldn't do half as well, actually I'd be all dead and buried and Faith would be the only slayer around.
Hell, I'm not sure I could have pulled off that spell. Your friend is one powerful witch.
*music ques and she looks a little panicked*
Life’s a show and we all play a part
And when the music starts,
We open up our hearts
*dances over to Alex and strikes a pose*
It’s all right if some things come out wrong.
We’ll sing a happy song
And you can sing along.
*pokes his chest a little with the sing along lyric and does a short dash away before dancing again
Where’s there’s life,
There’s hope.
A gift.
Wishes can
Come true.
Whistle while
You work.
So hard
All day.
To be like other girls
To fit in in this glittering world.
Don’t give me songs.
Don’t give me songs.
*raises her arms abover her head and shoots him a glance over her shoulder*
I need something to sing about.
*drops her arms and does a leaping kick starting to feel warm and trying to hold the song back*
Life’s a song
You don’t get to rehearse.
And every single verse
Can make it that much worse.
All the joy
Life sends.
And friends.
All the twists
And bends
Knowing that
It ends.
Well that
On if they let you go,
On if they know enough to know
That when you bow
You leave the crowd.
*looks at him doing ending her dance to stand still, heat flashing like lightning under her skin*
There was no pain,
No fear, no doubt
Till they pulled me out
Of heaven.
I've tried to adjust
but to my disgust
it won't let me go
and I don't want to know
How much more there is in store!
*spins into a frantic dance trying not to sing and can smell smoke*
*grabs her by the shoulders, shaking her gently until she looks at him*
Buffy, you're alright. You're here and you're surviving. They...they'll know not to do it again if you tell them the truth.
*sniffles and flicks her dripping hair out of her face*
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