Wow, I can't believe I forgot to drop by and update the LJ! Which is weird because I've been floating through my flist the last few nights and dropping a few comments here and there, so you'd have thought I'd take the time to do an update! Anyway I have categories below of all the things I'm going to cover, lol.
1. My Health:
I was at the doctor's yesterday had my wounds redressed. I'm off all of the meds I was on and just on the regular old over the counter pain-killers now. So that's a plus. Still quite drained though. But on the whole I'm on the mend so that's the main thing, right? I haven't been sleeping too well, but that's not been helped in large part to the fact I've been chatting online until all hours of the night, heh. My bad!
2. Screencaps:
Because I've been sitting around all day with next to nothing to do until my next visitor appears, I decided to finally start scapping Dark Angel. I started with the end of season one doing my favourite episodes from the last couple of discs and wound up doing nearly 3000 caps at 1400x1050px from:
1.17 Pollo Loco
1.19 Hit a Sista Back
1.20 Meow
1.21 And Jesus Brought a Casserole
So I was pretty damn proud of myself for getting all of that done! Go me!
3. New Art:
What do screencaps mean? That's right, art! As I was capping I got some ideas for some pieces I wanted to try, and there's one piece I had been wanting to do for ages but never had the cap quality or image choice to make it work. So I have four new DA pieces below, I'll just post the images, click for 1024x768, credits are on my site, titles can be viewed when you roll the mouse over!
Hope you like. :)
Radiance Update:
Yip, with all of these screencaps and all this art, as you can imagine, I certainly have been updating Radiance like a mad cat. My site has actually had three big updates this week, the 12th, 13th and 15th. On the 13th I added in two Gilmore Girls character pieces that I don't really like, and I re-worked a Dark Angel piece I had done before and added that in too.
Plus I did six new textures, which have since been used in my art that I have been doing lately, heh. And you can see them
here if you want a random browse through them.
Then last night, I added in all of my screencaps. I had spent the day before, the 14th setting up the coppermine gallery and uploading and adding in all 2903 caps, lol, so I wasn't quite able to update on the 14th until I had it all finished off yesterday. But you can grab them
here if you by any chance feel like doing some DA art, *hint, hint*. And I also added in my latest DA wallpapers. So yeah, big update!
Provenance Update:
Yip, another update! I added in a new artist Signe, with ten new pieces, and I made a layout out of one of her walls. It's a pop-art style piece from Hell House, and it's got bright colours, fun patterns and designs, and a hilarious scene, a great summer piece and perfect colours for the season! To check out PV with the new skin
click here! And I think that's all I have to update with right now, lol... that's funny, 'that's all I have' as I haven't just sat and rambled away like loads of content, lol.
Hope my flist are all doing well, *hugs*