May 03, 2006 21:55
Being in Miami is pretty awesome. I fucked up yesterday though. I was supposed to hang out with a good friend of mine and i got caught up in stupid shit and forgot to call her, which was lame. I wasn't even gonna chill though, because i was so tired from work. Seriously, shoveling boulder sized rocks and wheel barrowing them around for 8 hours is draining.
My old man hooked me up with a job at the construction company he works for and im getting paid alot for alot of hard work, but it will help relieve my rent problem. I'm pretty glad for it and my parents are being pretty cool with me. I'm playing a show tommorow at Churchill's with Baby Calendar at 9:30, so if you want to come hang out, that'd be cool. Oh and I think i'm going to the beach too. If anyone wants to chill, gimme a call. 305 877 5548. that goes for the span of the next week as well.
Well, hopefully I won't sell any more friends out.