I have a lot of thoughts I want to get-out, so for those who actually care about what I write (or just a few things), then I will make it easier by making SCROLLING HEADLINES!
Yup, a 70ish old lady killed her 85 year old sister. The whole beating started on Sunday. She punched her all over her body, giving her black eyes, over 2 dozen broken bones, and tons of blood. The lady beat up her own older sister because she was "a burden", and at one point after the beatings, made her sister CLEAN UP HER OWN BLOOD! Then, she beat her up a little bit more, and then dragged her body outside on the deck to let her lay and die for TWO DAYS! WHY IS THIS STORY IMPORTANT!!!!?? Hahaha, because I KNOW THE BITCH WHO MURDERED HER! Yup, she came to my Pharmacy once every month to pick up prescriptions. I remember waiting on her many of times. She SEEMED like a nice old lady, but she is actually very fucking disturbed! My brother Alex told me that today, he saw them take her away in handcuffs (She lives near where we work), and a few days before the beatings had been JOKING AROUND WITH HIM! WEIRD! I know a murderer! FUCKING COOL! Do you all finally SEE WHAT KIND OF PEOPLE I HAVE TO DEAL WITH EVERYDAY!!!!?? Shit...
<3<3<3 Another night with Jen <3<3<3
Jen came over tonight <3<3<3 We had a lot of fun. We had a lot of time to just lay around, cuddle, make-out, and alllllllllllll that shiz. She made me laugh for most of the time. We might hang out again on Sunday, but that is 100% undefinite. If anything, we are gonna hang out Wednsday at Papa FUCKING Gino's... bitch! But yeah, Jen is mega-cool, and I thank you all for telling me so after you've seen her pictures with me, have heard stories from yours truly, and BLAHHH BLAHHH BLAHHH.
Angry Section (This is the part where you get offended)
To avoid anymore El-Jay-Drama than there really needs to be, then READ THE FUCKING DISCLAIMER! Seriously, it could be the only information that keeps you on my friends list!
There are people who piss me off, in this world, and as long as I am alive, I will still get pissed off at a lot of people for a very long time. This part of the LiveJournal entry is to rant about certain kinds of people who make my blood boil. NOTHING ELSE! Unless it is some sort of celebrity, I will NOT name any names. So if I am pissed off about a certain someone, then their confidentiality will be kept. If I happen to describe certain traits about YOU in this segment, then talk to ME about it. You can e-mail me, instant message me, call me on the phone... I am not a hard man to find. DO NOT post a comment trying to prove me wrong, state that you were offended, or to bitch me out. If you want to do any of that, then contact only ME! The point of this is just to get my feelings out, not to expose anyone. If for some reason you think that I am talking about you and/or people like you, then don't take is too harsh. Instead, take advantage of this situation to try and improve yourself. People who comment to confront me about what I wrote will get their comment DELETED. Seriously, I probably won't even bother to read it, I will just remove it. Anyone who comments asking "who are you talking about? Is it me?" Will also get their shit deleted, or just ignored. ANYONE WHO DOES THIS MORE THAN ONCE WILL BE REMOVED FROM MY FRIENDS LIST!!!! Keep in mind that this journal will become friends-only soon. If you want to read what I have to say, then DON'T BREAK THESE SIMPLE RULES! THE ONLY COMMENTS ALLOWED THAT HAS TO DO WITH THIS PART OF THE ENTRY WILL BE IN THE LINES OF... "Yeah, I totally know someone like that, and blah blah blah". i encourage that type of shit! Remember that I am not hard to find. If you have something to say, then say it to ME, not my LiveJournal community. If you do talk to me about this, then cool. It is normal, I am obviously not perfect, and I might be wrong about what I said. Keep in mind: If your going to be mad and scream at me about my opinion... I can scream A LOT LOUDER THAN YOU CAN, and it is VERY SCARY! If you want to talk to me in a civil manner about it, I can do that too. For the best results, I recommend the civil manner option.
In summary, if you feel offended by what I said, you are more than welcome to talk to me about it, just leave everyone else on LiveJournal out of it, or you could get removed from my friends list.
Now, once you have read the disclaimer and if you are not afraid of the truth, then go ahead and read that shit!
I can't stand people who go out of their way to make it seem like they have a shitty life to impress other people, or just to make other people purposely worry about them. It is the MOST immature and selfish thing that you could do. I have a friend who deals with this type of person EVERY SINGLE DAY. No, he/she does not talk about this person to me behind my back, I just notice the problem when I witness it. As much as I want to help my friend out, there is NOTHING I can do for him/her. All I can do, is stand and watch my friend get his/her shit ruined. My friend has to help himself/herself. BUT RECENTLY, this person got mad at ME for a stupid reason, and tried to bitch ME out! Now, keep in mind that I don't want to get involved with my friends' matters, but this person crossed the line into MY WORLD! For those of you who have gotten into conflicts with me in the past, already know that I am a stubborn, persistant man who has a lot of pride, and I would easily mistake the phrase "Give up" with some sort of Greek Dish (type of food). So when this person tried to fuck with me, you can all just IMAGINE the amount of shit I gave in return. This person came in with both guns blazing, and then quickly retreated when they say the giant cannon about to blow them to fucking pieces. SO, the next day I am told that "Yeah, (name) is very sorry for what was said to you", and then I am sent an IM with an appology... AN APPOLOGY! So right when I am about to forgive this person, I find evidence that this is an EMPTY appology, and that pissed me off more than anything. To me, this person can never be happy no matter what good comes in their life. This person also feels that just because they are miserable, they have to go and make everyone else miserable. IF YOU THINK THIS IS YOU, AND YOU ARE STILL READING, then I have a message for you. I will not back-down, no matter what excuses I hear. You might be able to get to my friend, but I will NOT let you ruin what I have worked very hard for, and waited a very long time for as well. So STOP IT!
Daughters tomorrow night... well, technically today since it's about 4AM in the morning. Anyone else going? Comment, and we can arrange to meet-up at the show.
My digital camera batteries are dead... fuckin' A!
Deadwater Drowning is a good band, check them out.
I miss Jen :'(
Sean and I are having our first ever movie-production meeting on Sunday morning. It's about time we started making movies. I have been wasting this privelage since I got this computer more than a year ago!!!! This means that people hanging out with me at the same time I want to be productive will just have to deal with it. I am not going to allow distractions during the time I want to work, so be prepared for shit like that.
I'm tired, and I had no fucking idea it was so late/early... time for bed.