Aug 11, 2011 15:45
[ The video feed clicks on to show 9, dark purple and nearly black tentacles. They seem to be mastered, already, and doing multiple things at once. In fact, you can catch Nemu doing the following
1. Holding up the camera with one of her tentacles
2. Using two tentacles a mop to mop the floor of the lab
3. Pouring one test-tube, into another which is held down by a clamp. The chemicals seem to turn a very, very intense pink before simmering down into a more conventional blue.
4. Dusting Mayuri-sama's tables
5. and, most importantly, remember the rainbow sheep from the previous event? Yeah. Nemu is currently restraining what they've become. Rainbow Sheep Sharks. The feed focuses on a very, very, vicious looking set of teeth with bright, beady eyes that seem to change colors on their own. Two of her tentacles are casting kidou, while the other two are binding the sharks that are attempting to escape.
Oh, and yes, as Nemu's video focuses on her face, it appears that she doesn't have any mouth at all. Yet, somehow she continues to speak. ]
It seems that some of the animus are rather satisfied with this event and how they want the event to continue. It seems that the Animus, regardless of integrated entities, seem to have their own personal likes and dislikes. They can also modify a person's body, [ beat ] as my mouth has been relocated. [ CLEARLY THAT'S THE PRESSING ISSUE AT HAND ]
[ Filtered to Mayuri nearly seconds after (LOOK AT WHAT SHE CAN DO WITH THESE TENTACLES) ]
It appears that the Animus in charge of this event either originate or have affiliations with the sea.
[/end filter]
[ Nemu continues her speech, though others may notice a bit of a delay. ]
However, I wish to alert you all that several Rainbow Sheep have been modified to become sharks. We are still letting them out to eat food, but do not approach them. They seem to have a small carnivorous taste for people that have turned into part animal. [ read: the occasional NPC, unless you want to be attacked by one ]
They seem to be eating other sharks, and dangerous creatures as well. If they decide to go after you, please send your coordinates to me immediately so I can take them back. [ beat ] Please, refrain from killing them. [ And then the feed clicks off.
Before, of course, turning back on a little less than a minute. ]
[ And just what happened with Nemu's mouth? Well, Squid's mouthes are underneath, where all their tentacles meet. Eventually, a lone, non-rainbow shark will makes its way onto the feed ]
A trespasser?
[ and that's when the truly disgusting kicks in - Nemu, gently puts down six out of her ten tentacles and proceeds to bind the shark in every way, wrapping her tentacles around it before dragging it down onto the floor. The shark attempts to wriggle free, but Nemu's tentacles keep its super strength, quickly puling it towards her. The shark looks absolutely terrified as Nemu begins to eat it.... promptly shoving it towards her new, relocated mouth, which is up her shinigami mini-skirt. To anyone that doesn't know about squid biology, this looks seemingly wrong and disgusting on so many levels. I mean, she is pulling a shark up her skirt with her tentacles.
No one ever said the life of a squid was glamorous. Regardless, after the shark has made its way into Nemu's body and digestive system, a shark carcass seemingly drops on the floor and Nemu continues on with her work, disposing of the remnants with her tentacles ]
Bitter, but satisfactory.
event: under the sea,