Treadmill for sale $200
The architect who built my house, way back in the 1920s?, added a dining room, bedroom, kitchen, etc. and I really don't think my house contains loadbearing construction. The garage is behind the TV. The cats love getting behind the console table that is supposed to hide all the electric cables connecting the TV, modem, router, bluray, apple TV. I don't know what's behind the wall because on the garage side of the building is a closet which has a brick wall.
The neighbor kinda suggested putting in a doggy-door so the cats could come and go, but this neighborhood is filled with raccoons, rats, skunks… I wouldn't mind an occasional visit from a possum, but hell no. I'm not going to make it easier for that kind of encounter. Then I thought what a great idea if I could install a doorway leading to the garage. I would love the cats to come and go there. That is where the rats live and again, I wouldn't want to facilitate their way into my house, I don't care how vicious my cats claim to be.