Cher/Andy Garcia music video remix version isn’t available for download even if I wanted to download the whole bulky YouTube file. I liked this one because the name Fernando is a bit more obscure than the original version. What I mean is, how off is it that a song named Fernando would be playing on my playlist?
Last night I had this song on a loop while driving home. At every stop light or congested baseball game traffic stop I would use my finger to replay the video for Gasoline by the Airborne Toxic Event. An annoying task as sometimes the song would end before I reached a stop. But I discovered that the pause button on my stereo works to stop a YouTube video playing on the phone (so I didn’t have to sit thru ads. )
I thought off asking Siri to just go ahead and buy the dang song, but she backed out. After reaching my second job, writer extraordinaire, I created my playlist for the newly purchased songs: Fernando, Gasoline, etc. and streamed them on a loop all night as inspiration for entering the mindset of a female antagonist. Proves sound listening to Fernando this way as I prefer lyrics more like Maria by Blonde.