Ethan sat me down last night and explained his new plan for us. A month or so ago, he took me to look at a model house in a new subdivision. This led me to believe that we would be buying a home soon. Although moving and the lack of routine that is involved is a scary concept, I would still love to live in a larger place and this house was grand in my ideals.
So, the plan is that we are going to move to some nicer, newer, larger apartments for the next year. Ethan is considering leaving Cindy living here since the other complex is not far away but I dont like the idea. Not that I wouldnt pay good money to be rid of Cindy but that would mean leaving Hannah too, making her a little further away instead of right across the way. I know that Eth will make the right decision for us though. I know it would probably cost less to leave her here as opposed to moving her and he has every right to decide against it.
His long range plan is to find a home we like and another for Cindy and Hannah, then start building near the end of the year. He said plans can change and not to get too excited over it until its for sure. I cant help being a little bouncy over the thought of it though.
Okay, so my question to everyone is...who would mind wrestling in nutella with these guys? lol! ---------
We are still planning to go to San Antonio soon. I need to get the oil changed in the car this week for the trip and make sure laundry is done so I can pack. I havent seen Eth's Aunt and Uncle in a while and I really like them. We will also get to see Ashley too. :) She was diagnosed recently with epilepsy. The doctor said she has had it since she was a child but its just gotten bad enough for her to notice. How insane!
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.