Apr 06, 2005 23:53
I feel the need to update this month. Sorry for the people who enjoy my post that I havent been updating alot. But I have been busy and really havent thought of anything to write about. But recently I have figured out something i wish to write on.
The subject of this post is the feeling or word happiness.
Recently alot of people i know or have been around have been "happy" or "unhappy". Some are having troubles at home, some troubles with relations with friends and "lovers" or those they lost over. But others are at a state of "happiness", mainly cause there getting away from this area called northern va. (which there seems to be so little number of happy people in it any ways.) So I figured i would start to ask what i means to be happy.
Most people I know seem to have no idea of what happiness is. Or have no believe that there is such a thing as "happiness." So lets start to define happiness. Dictionary.com says happiness is the fallowing: "hap·py- Characterized by good luck; fortunate. Enjoying, showing, or marked by pleasure, satisfaction, or joy. Being especially well-adapted; felicitous: a happy turn of phrase. Cheerful; willing: happy to help." All those things are basically positive emotions. There things that basically dont make us cry or feel low and bad.
And everyone knows from basic science class that if there is a posative charge there most be a negative charge. Or there can be a free flow of negative charges, this is called plasma. But thats another subject and something completely off topic of this. But basicaly even in the universe of atoms there is basicaly a positive and negative. Example Newtons third law "every action as a equal postive or negative reaction."
So in order for there to be positive emotions there needs to be negative emotions. These we call sadness, depression, dispaire, misery. All which are important. Because they balance out the positive. Which there for make them just as important as the positive emotions.
And we all know if there is to much of one or the other the atom or being is unstable. And nothign ever really comes from anything being unstable. Atoms always want to be stable. Example Lithium. Its the most unstable atom in the known world and there for it will no mater what always bond with somethign to make it self stable. Same with Hydrogen.
So basically, Im saying, we need the negative and the positive emotions in life. There are times when there is more of one then the other. But thats life and we sould always work on trying to find away to stabalize it. Happiness can blind you. Same with the negative emotions. Both are equally toxic. But both are also a cure.
So really happiness is a combination of both.
Its stupid to say that your completely happy cause there is always going to be something wrong. But even when everything is wrong, there are somethings right. Just stop and look at the big picture. Everyone is in the same boat. We all suffer and we all smile. Just try to live life with both. Content with it and understand that there is no such thing as one extreme.