You know how we all love to sing in our cars and do weird shit and stuff while driving, or better yet, how fun it is to watch others do all that weird shit too? Well VH1 made a show out of it, called Motormouth, and let me tell you folks, this is the FUNNIEST SHIT I've seen on TV in quite some time. Just a few of my favorite highlights from this one episode I'm watching:
- Some big black dude getting out of the car and dancing everytime a good song comes on
- Some young white dude sniffing his fingers every chance he gets
- Some lady sniffing her pits (I'm guilty of this one myself, LOL)
- Another guy picking his nose!
- Some guy singing Baby Got Back with his friend in the car to the lady in the drive-thru... oh God this was priceless!!!
If you want some funny ass shit to laugh to, I seriously suggest watching this show!!!