Apr 23, 2006 03:29
Ok so ive been up for an hour already and now im getting food because my belly says im hungry. but the rest of me says fuck you. i feel like i need to pee like all the damn time and ive now woken Him up and He says He isnt mad but sure seems like He is. So now i have to deal with that. i cant win for fuckin losing. all i know is im very uncomfortable and that im not feeling good but im not in labor so there isnt anything i can do except sit here on the computer but that bothers Him so i have to make this short and i guess im just whiny and bitchy cuz im miserable. but tomorrow going to go to lunch with the family for my moms birthday which is wednesday. so at least will have that to look forward to. all i know is that i hope this baby comes soon because it sucks not being able to sleep on your back or stomach and sleeping on my sides and alternating which side im on isnt making the baby very happy and im sooo big that rolling to get off the bed is even a chore. ok so more bitching and whining but i think im entitled lol i have a baby in me that wants to stay in....grrrr