Oct 05, 2009 11:58
I'm so cold. Yes, I know, seasons change, the world flops shakily on it's erratic orbit around the sun, about the same time every year the weather at this latitude goes from warm to cold to warm again - but I'm so tired of excuses. When is the world going to realize that every time the temperature drops it puts me out in a bad way?
The boy has been sick. Against all common sense I spent the weekend hanging out watching movies and patronizing him for being ill while cuddling and smothering him with kisses. I told him I'm impervious to illness, I still believe I am...but I'm getting the sniffles after my bike ride this morning in freezing rain. My bones are starting to ache with cold from the a/c (WHYYY????) and the guy from my art class just walked into the cafe wearing a UNC shirt with the sleeves ripped off. Seriously. First off, that's a horrible fashion faux-pas unless you live in some back-water podunk world of hicks and southern weirdos. And secondly - I'm bundled up as much as I possibly can be - warm socks, tights, leg warmers, sweater, windbreaker, etc, and he's just like "mmm, tshirt and jeans. yesss - it's still a little warm, but I'm getting down to a comfortable temp."
I'm moving to fuckin Bermuda.
Well...only if I can get a job there that involves driving around in a golf-cart and eating lots of popsicles.
My freezer is full of popsicles. I can't eat them because it's too cold. Talk about the saddest story ever written. Even though it's only two sentences (two sentence fragments, really) it still makes me cry a little. Touches me deeply, evokes strong emotion, really - I don't know if I'll ever be happy again.
Speaking of happy - my darling friend, let's call her Father (like in the Avengers! Except she isn't blind) is not happy. Surprise, surprise, she won't tell my WHY she's not happy, only that her world is crashing in on her and she can barely get out of bed in the morning because she's too stressed and doesn't want to face another day. I'm lying. She didn't say that last bit. She did say the thing about the collapsing of her world, though. :( Makes me sad. I offered to talk. Just because it makes ME feel better to offer. I know she won't take me up on it. "When you're down like that, Pheebs, you can call me. You can talk to me about it." She says. Well, you know what Me--Father - like Lindsey Lohan, it goes both ways! I'm pouting. I want her to be like "AHH! PHEBE! I'm having a bad day! Can we kvetch??? PLEASE???" And I'll be like "Damn straight! Lets get some cake and start bitching!" And even if she doesn't really say anything super deep, or really even mention what's really bothering her I want her to know that there's someone there who wants to help. Who's there, who she can trust, and who will listen if she needs it. We all need people like that. I guess it's pretty selfish of me to want to be that for her, especially considering how much trust is required for that kind of a friendship, but still...I do care.
Maybe it's just that as I get older people are less trusting. It used to be that I was everyone's confidante - but now...it seems like only friends I've had for a long time confide in me. And sometimes not even them.
I haven't even started my homework. I'm kind of too cold. But I have to work tonight so it's not like I've got a whole lot of time before tomorrow to get it done. AHHH! I have to pee.
my big fat bladder,