GargleBlasted application

Apr 24, 2010 01:18

QUICK NOTE - The history and background section of this app are separated due to the History being the history of my character's world as the setup for the Background, which is the actual story of her life in this world.


Name: Angel
Are you over 16?: 18 years young
Personal LJ: rides_thebeast
Timezone: EST
Other contact: AIM -- MidnightLullabii
Characters already in the game: None
How did you find us?: Word of mouth


Character name: Kaelyn Nicole Delacruz [0189]
Fandom: Original Character
Timeline: A few months after breaking out of the Towers
Age: 18
~*Magical*~ abilities and strengths:

No magical abilities.

Strengths include her natural fighting skills. These were originally wakened by her fight or flight response, in which Kaelyn’s natural reaction is always to fight and aim for the kill. When fighting Kaelyn reverts to an almost pure animal instinct that makes her feral and thoughtless. She attacks in quick succession, and anyone caught in her way will be hurt if not killed once she’s started.


Kaelyn's abilities were not an overnight lesson she happened to pick up. They were hard work, work that the scientists were well aware of when studying here. After Kaelyn's experience in the with the other child, and realizing who her real enemies were, she knew that she had to learn how to fight back against her enemies one day. She trained herself daily, working hard to master moves that weren't correct at all. While her stamina and agility built up over the next three years of self-teaching, she picked up many bad habits that ultimately left her open in the field.

Upon escaping from the Towers, the Noctis saw the raw potential Kaelyn had. As did the other experiments. She wasn't strong at all, nor was she really skilled. What she did have was agility, being her natural skills that didn't have much to be expanded on. Her height, coupled with her long legs, gave her swifter and longer ranges of motion. And when acted upon swiftly enough, she could catch anyone off-guard and easily deal with them from there. But in a longer battle Kaelyn is always at the disadvantage as she loses her element of surprise and her bad habits leave open holes. It was the one thing she had going for her against the Hunters. Their animal instincts didn't handle her surprises well, and once Kaelyn has her prey she doesn't stop until her job is finished.

She was only amongst the Noctis for a few months before being brought to the ship, she did train with a Noctis martial artist. But she hasn't quite learned enough to fully escape all of her bad habits. She's got a better fighting stance, and doesn't need the element of surprise anymore so long as she can make swift cuts. But still, if her aim isn't true and the battle takes too much time, her openings become more obvious and easy to take advantage of. Leaving her vulnerable to long range attacks from the start, and close range as the fight goes on.

How would they use their abilities?:

Kaelyn would likely use her abilities to obtain jobs and work her way up as a fighter. She doesn't want any leading roles, but she wouldn't mind working as a body guard or something like that. Her determination and strong body also make her an excellent candidate for any physical labor that would need to be done around the ship. She doesn't mind hard work either.


Kaelyn is an abnormally tall young woman. She stands at 5’10”, making her hard to lose in a crowd. Her hair is a dark brown, bordering on black, color that alternates with the seasons and exposure to light. Her eyes are a bright shade of brown that makes them hard to distinguish from her light brown skin color. All in all it creates an exotic look that she hardly sees as anything important, but when her taken in full Kaelyn can be quite stunning. Her long hair is generally left alone to create subtle waves or lay flat dependent on the day and weather. It ends just above her particularly unastounding hips, framing her body in a curtain of hair. And while Kaelyn lacks curves, she more than makes up for it with her graceful way of moving when fighting. She can appear almost feral when ready to attack, a sight that if seen might be the last thing a person would ever see in their life.

Her attire leaves much to be desired. Never a girl to care about her appearance, her clothes tend to be simplistic. She more or less just grabs whatever outfit she can find on the floor, generally settling for jeans and t-shirts as they provide the most freedom for movement. She wears no make-up or jewelry, and will only laugh if ever offered such things.

For reference, her PB is the lovely Camilla Belle, who I feel matches her best in both personality and appearance.

World History:

Nature vs Nurture?

The question is one that has plagued humanity since the first people began to reflect on themselves and the world around them. What makes a man what they are? Is it in their very blood? Something that can’t be removed regardless of upbringing? Or is it the upbringing itself that creates a person? Are we all blank slates that are only writ upon as life takes us through a series of varying experiences?

The CSEP asked the military government of Earth this very same question not but one hundred years ago. Standing before a panel of 50 of the remaining world’s top representatives, the insignificant scientific company stepped forth to pose the query to the panel. And the panel had a genuine reason to listen to them.

200 years ago Earth was nearly reduced to a barren wasteland. It came as no surprise to anyone that Earth was on the verge of a nuclear holocaust. Tensions run high amongst countries when they never know who might be sending out the next bomb. And a slight twitch can cause one to push the button that decimates cities in seconds. For decades countries fought back and forth in this manner. And by the time they were finished, almost nothing remained of the world.

The military government rose from the ashes of the ravished planet to take charge of what little remained. And the few citizens of the world that still lived never stopped to question the government's swift rise to power. It was no longer a divided world, though. But now a whole new Earth renamed Pangea after the original one continent theory. For while the world was still divided into continents, its people were one. And the new government believed it was time to shed the old skin of Earth and replace it with the new creatures of Pangea.

Pangea was a slow to develop planet. With little remaining of Earth that was untouched by the nuclear holocaust, the people of Pangea had little options of where to go. Few countries and cities remained untouched by radiation, but when ever one was found a barrier of solid glass was instantly erected around the city to protect it and Pangean citizens were moved into what were nicknamed the ‘Safe Houses,’ as it was always believed that the enclosed cities with a strict government were only temporary until toxicity levels were safe once again. But the military government exploited the Pangean citizens paranoia and fear to create a society of caged people who had learned to accept the government's harsh rule, for Pangea was too dangerous to ever leave their glass enclosures. For 100 years the military government ruled in this manner. And Pangea never questioned their authority. And never would, for who would want a repeat of Earth’s devastation to their new world order?

Yet there is no peace that lasts forever. Not all citizens behave in proper manner. There is still discontent, still crime, and still murder within the Safe Houses. The military government faced each act of injustice separately and harshly so as to hopefully put down future indiscretions. But some people can’t be stopped. Nikolai Rowan was one such man. His name would become infamous throughout the hundreds of Safe Houses erected on Pangea as the man that destroyed a city in a single second.

Nikolai Rowan was a thoroughly unstable man. But the depth of his insanity was unseen when he went about his day-to-day life like any other average man of Pangea. He washed his clothes at the local Laundromat, worked eight hour days in a small office, went home to his one room one bathroom apartment… the usual life of a single man. No one knew that secretly Nikolai spent his nights planting bombs around his city, finding the most strategic places to detonate the machinery so as to destroy more of the city. And one fateful day Nikolai stood at the center of the city with a small remote in one hand. His words were barely audible to even those next to him, but the cameras in his city picked it all up. “Pangea is lost.”

The shock waves were felt throughout Pangea as people screamed in panic and fear at what was happening to their beloved Pangea. It was the disaster of Earth all over again for them. If one Safe House could be brought down so easily, who was next? There was no hope for any of them. And in this manner the citizens of Pangea began to revolt and riot. The streets were crowded with screams of anger and mistrust towards the government. All people wanted was a sense of safety once again.

Once the revolts were put down, and most in ways that would make the people weep for decades to come, there arose one savior from the mist. The Corporation for Scientific Exploration and Progress. The CSEP.

One hundred years ago the CSEP approached the military government with an idea. An idea that would put the citizens’ minds at ease. An experiment known as Operation G90.

Operation G90 is the creation of one more Safe House. A city that would be erected in the ashes of Rowan’s destruction and would later be named Neo-Parsa. Neo-Parsa was to be a utopia. It’s crystalline structure would be made of glistening silver and titanium buildings. There would be no homes, but only towers that housed its citizens. The city would provide everything the citizens needed. Excellent school systems, high-paying careers, outstanding medical care, anything and everything you could ever hope for. Only the simplest of plants would be allowed in and even then only exist in the park at the center of the city. Animals would be banned save for domestic dogs and cats for children to keep as pets.

Neo-Parsa would be perfect.

But beneath the pristine beauty of Neo-Parsa would lay a darker world. The earth would be dug up and cleared to create dark and desolate catacombs. The lighting would be poor if even there at all. It’s homes would have barely the basics. And its citizens would be the poorest people to have ever lived. Guarded by the CSEP’s Grey Guards the people would be abused, beaten, humiliated, and forced into hard labor jobs for hardly any money. This would create a vast difference for the above ground world of Neo-Parsa.

The two worlds were given separate names. The Diei world, the peaceful and happy types. And the Noctis world, where the abused and half-crazed lived.

It began this way. A woman and a man would be married, after two years pre-counseling and strict policies ensuring the happiest of couples. They would file for pregnancy. And if found capable and fitting, they would be gifted with a child through in vitro fertilization so as to ensure the healthiest and fittest children would be born to the parents. And when born, unknown to the parents, samples of the child’s DNA would be harvested to create a clone of the child. An exact replica to be born 9-months later.

The original child goes on to be Diei. The clone goes on to be Noctis. Through this pattern the CSEP bypassed all civil rights laws and crimes against humanity as the clones were hardly even considered humans but rather just living replicas of a person’s DNA. They were sterile people who were forced underground and barely knew the difference between a good life and a bad one.

The system was flawless. If a woman had one child. But the rare case of twins did come up. And when this occurred the CSEP had an answer for that as well. They would tell the woman the child was breached, perfectly safe from harm but a caesarean would be necessary to save the child. The doctor would then keep one child, and return the other to the mother. This was done to ensure that the Diei never even considered the idea of duplicate people, to avoid the questions of clones.

The twins were then cloned, so as to create a Noctis equal of the twins, and the Noctis sent underground. But the twin itself was placed in a Tower. And there other social experiments were performed on the child to see how they would react to them.

The CSEP had created a way to test the theory of Nature vs. Nurture in this way. A way to satisfy Pangean fears by explaining to them what situations created abominations and how to avoid them. And a way to rejuvenate their faith in their government.

The military government loved the plan. Loved the idea. And they loved the CSEP. The once insignificant organization became an over-night hit as they erected Neo-Parsa and published journals on their progress. For 75 years Neo-Parsa has stood as the one Safe House cut off from all humanity, told that radiation had utterly destroyed Earth and they were all that remained. And for 75 years Neo-Parsa has been the scene of the largest sociological experiment in the world.

Character Background

The city of Neo-Parsa has existed for 75 years in what appears to be peace and harmony. The Diei go about their lives oblivious of the world around them and that they are being monitored nearly 24/7. And the Noctis work their jobs and live their lives beneath the surface of the utopia in usual discontent and anger. The distinct differences in the two are hard to miss.

But the most curious cases of Neo-Parsa are neither the Diei or the Noctis, but rather the Experiments that reside in the Towers of Neo-Parsa. The forgotten twins who have never heard of ‘family’. They don’t know what a mother or a father is. The only life they know is the rooms they’ve been entrapped in their entire lives, and the scientists who make no effort to hide their involvement in their daily lives. For the scientists have grown peaceful and content, believing themselves to be untouchable and all-knowing citizens of Neo-Parsa. And they play gods to the experiments entrusted in their service.

One such hapless soul is a young woman named Kaelyn Nicole Delacruz. Or experiment number 0189. All citizens of Neo-Parsa are given numbers and barcodes, tattooed into their wrists at young ages as their form of identification. Later their parents name them and take them home to lead happy lives. In the Towers the numbers are tattooed into their necks and no barcodes are given as the experiments have no rights. And no names.

The conditions under which Kaelyn was born are rare ones in the city. Kaelyn's mother, a woman named Emma, was a doctor. And as such she was very in the know of women and the events of their pregnancies. As well as what happened with twins. When Emma realized she was giving birth to twins, unlike most women ,she was given the option of choosing which child to keep. It was probably one of the hardest decisions of the young woman's life, but without ever breathing a word of twins to her husband, Emma chose to keep one child and let the doctors take nameless child away.

0189’s chart read simple. A controlled experiment. Not allowed any contact with other experiments unless the terms of the meeting have been gone over with other participant beforehand. 0189 is to be shown no kindness or compassion. The subject is to be deprived of any closeness and any forms of encouragement in life. Tactics: -Verbal abuse -Constant belittling -Criticism -Insults. She was what the scientists called an ‘open-ended’ experiment. After 75 years of testing various social living standards, scientists began to see a new use for their experiments. Drug testing, new scientific methods they imagined, or even just different ways to mess with their heads.

When Kaelyn was sweet and kind, desperately seeking the love and approval of her scientists, they merely mocked and humiliated the child. But she persevered. When she drew them pictures and sang them songs, they smacked her and told her to stop trying. But she preserved. Kaelyn tried to be a good child, tried to grow up sweet, but when the scientists began to introduce drugs into her system to calm and agitate at various intervals she began to lose her grip on herself. And when they locked her in sensory deprivation chambers for months on end, she began to lose her grip on reality.

Kaelyn snapped in one such session. After desperately seeking the approval on her greatest piece of art Kaelyn was not just met with criticism, but rather complete cruelty. They tore her most cherished art piece to shreds before her eyes. And Kaelyn’s mind snapped in a single instant. The child attacked the single scientist and attempted to claw the woman’s eyes out. It took two big men to pry the girl off the poor scientist and drag her off to the sensory deprivation chamber for punishment. She was left there for two months, with needles in her arms to monitor her vitals and take care of her other needs.

During those two months Kaelyn’s mind began to think over the world around her. The only world she knew. The world she had grown up in. The scientists with their judgmental and cruel eyes were everywhere. Every place she turned there were more to belittle her and abuse her fragile psyche. And Kaelyn was done with it. She was tired of being their little doll to thrash about when they pleased.

When they pulled her out of the chamber two months later Kaelyn vowed to kill the lot of them. And she screamed her frustrations as she was shoved into her room while men in white coats wrote down copious notes.

For the longest time Kaelyn’s life was about hating the scientists for abusing her. Her self was all she knew and she became rabid and hostile and hard to control, much to the amusement of her keepers. They decided to play a little game with their creation. Kaelyn was confined to another two months in the sensory deprivation chamber at age 15 as a way to toy with the girl. At the end of two months she was disorientated and as helpless as a child. Then something strange occurred.

For the second time in her life, Kaelyn saw other children. Met kids like her. But it was nothing like what she expected. They were cruel and merciless. They taunted her and humiliated her worse than her keepers did. And one boy took it upon himself to take out a knife and cut her cheek as a mark of humiliation. For the second time in her life Kaelyn snapped. She snatched the blade away from the child and slit his throat in an instance, silencing all other children.

Yet, it was as she held the blade to the dead boy’s throat that she realized what he was. The number on his neck meant he wasn’t like the scientists, with their barcodes on their wrists. He was one of her kind. He was an experiment. He was their toy.

After that Kaelyn’s world was entirely changed. It wasn’t just her life the scientists messed with. It wasn’t just her world they ruined. It was countless people’s lives that were controlled by the scientists and destroyed.

Kaelyn began to internalize all things for the next few years. Hardly interactive and dead inside. At age eighteen, when she showed no signs of progression or change, the CSEP debated scrapping her. She was a broken project that could not be salvaged and they had no problems with disposing of her.

It was as she was being lead to her death that hope was restored to Kaelyn.

By three boys, actually.

Kaelyn wasn’t the only experiment in the Towers to be fed up with the abuse. Nor the only person in Neo-Parsa. The Noctis were tired of it, though the Diei remained oblivious. And the Noctis planned to free the three boys to gain their aid in their upcoming revolution. But during their escape Kaelyn was entranced with the prospect of changing her life. Of getting revenge.

All it took was a scalpel to the two distracted bodyguards' throats and the young woman was scrambling out windows to escape.

The three boys were nothing like Kaelyn. They were loud, boastful, cheerful even. It was like everything was a game to them. And when they saw the scrawny girl scrambling to keep up, they happily took her into their circle. Anyone who killed a scientist was okay by their books. They led her to a sanctuary beneath Neo-Parsa. The world of the Noctis. Revolution was more than a whisper here, and already the Grey Guards feared their once beaten-down citizens. And with the experiments on their side, the Noctis were sure to win the upcoming war against Neo-Parsa.

For the next several months Kaelyn worked discrete jobs for the Noctis to help them eliminate the enemy. The real war was still yet to come, but the pre-war had long begun, and Kaelyn was only too happy to take part in it. With little training from the other three boys, Kaelyn was swift to pick up her body’s natural fighting capabilities. She learned she was an okay shot, bad at long-range fighting, but skilled with a small knife. She could cut a man seven ways to Monday before they ever laid a hand on her. She was quick and effective, and entirely ruthless. People believed her to have no heart, as she showed no remorse when killing. She could even kill Hunters, humans who were reduced to pure animal instinct and sent to kill threats to Neo-Parsa and also the deadliest enemies of the Noctis.

Kaelyn was the Noctis’ most effective killer. She was sent on the most dangerous missions, and often tortured soldiers to gain information that would be otherwise denied of them. She was heartless and meticulous. She didn’t accept failure, and only lived for one goal.

To destroy Neo-Parsa.


Kaelyn was diagnosed by her doctor’s as having Borderline Personality Disorder. This diagnosis meant a great many things. Starting with her fear of abandonment. Underneath the girl’s cruel exterior is a woman who only wants to be accepted and loved. She just can’t show it anymore. Her wants and desires are hidden under her anger and hatred, and while she fears being abandoned she doesn’t know by who and she’ll never show it either.

Her relationships are almost nonexistent, as she’s very closed off and lets few people in. But when she does let them in she can be quite… dependent on the other. She’ll deny it with her last breath, but her closest friend is one of the experiments she escaped with named Jean-Pierre. Or Jeans as she nicknamed him. The extent of their codependency remains to be seen, but he tends to bring out emotions for her long since believed to be dead sometimes.

Instability in self-image is high ranked on Kaelyn’s problematic area. She hates herself in ever way, shape, and form. She hates her appearance and finds herself disgusting. Hence why she never cares to dress herself properly. She hates the way she thinks and acts, but can’t seem to stop. She doesn’t mope about and share these thoughts, though, and only if given praise will she deny it and make small remarks about how truly hideous anything she does is.

Suicidal behavior and impulsivity do go hand-in-hand in her situation. She is the most reckless fighter anyone will ever see. She leaves wide openings and knows she does. She aims to kill, yes, but if she gets killed she doesn’t care. She takes on the most dangerous missions at the drop of a pin and is almost unstoppable when she’s on the path to self-destruction.

Unstable moods are common for her. She can go from completely apathetic to angry and screaming in a heartbeat. And occasionally she can be impossibly childish and sweet. It depends on her mood and the world around her at the time as to how she’ll react. There are triggers that set each mood off, but they’re generally not known until they’re brought up. It’s hard to judge what her reaction will be without knowing what will be a trigger one day and only inspire apathy the next.

Kaelyn is generally apathetic when people speak to her. Her inner turmoil is rarely, if ever, seen and therefore it’s hard to know what’s going on in that head of hers. Which is why her brash anger outbursts are often a surprise for people. She can go from being entirely uncaring to entirely pissed off in a heartbeat.

Kaelyn can be paranoid. She imagines people talking bad about her. She imagines the CSEP still monitoring her. She’s always on alert should an enemy appear. It’s hard to find a moment when she’s not on alert or nervous of people, even if she doesn’t show it.

Kaelyn can be quite a fierce woman when she wants to be. She's generally soft-spoken, not shy or timid, just doesn't like to engage people much. But when she does, if she's not in a bad mood, she can actually be a pretty fierce speaker with fierce passions. It's one reason she's such a skilled fighter. Her ferocity comes out both in her speech at times, and in her fighting.

Despite having such a wide spectrum of psychological issues, Kaelyn actually has a sweet side. And in time and with proper easing, BPD can be relieved. When Kaelyn has good days she can be cheerful, sweet, childish, and kind. They’re rare days, but they do happen. And as time goes on, who knows? Maybe Kaelyn could become the sweet child she once was.

Why should that character be in this game:

I’ve spent a year and a half developing this girl and her world. I have researched her mental disorder and check it often to be sure I am still doing it justice. I view Kaelyn as still a work in progress, but in order to develop her further I think interaction with others will give me more of an idea as to who she is and where she’s going from here. The GB world would fit her nicely because she’d take the dirty missions no one wants, work hard just to keep herself doing something, and even possibly protect the citizens should anything bad happen.

Have you read up on how the game works?:

The communication system is called Flaming Ferret. Kaelyn can earn money through missions, freelance work, or borrowing from other characters.

1st person sample:


[For the most part the clip is silent. Dead silent. For a good minute even. Finally there is the sound of someone taking a deep breath that alerts the listener to her presence.]

Hn… [It goes silent again. Honestly, if you could hear her heart racing at the thought of addressing other people. Talking to strangers….]


…. [That’s. Not sufficient she reminds herself.]

….. My name is Kaelyn Nicole Delacruz. I am eighteen years old. And I’m trapped on this ship like every one else.

So what happens next?


I never really expected my life to end up in such a haze. I barely remember my childhood. I do know that it's what shaped who I am today. My psychiatrist said the trauma is part of why I am the way I am. But I just can’t recall it. It’s all such a blur.

[A small laugh.]

I find it ironic that a CSEP paid psychiatrist stated I was traumatized as a child. She should know. It was her coworkers that…


I don’t know what to do with myself. Jeans says I need to loosen up. Aidan and Dominic agree with him and work hard to try to change me. But you can’t change some things. I don’t feel anything stir within me. Not ever.

… That’s a lie. I feel things. Sometimes. When a hunter’s life fades from this world. I feel that. I never feel that… alive. It’s like breathing for the first time…

[A short pause. Then a short laugh again.]

No wonder people fear me.

3rd person sample:

It welled up deep inside her chest. She could taste the bitter sorrow on her tongue, threatening to break past her stern façade. Her chest felt as if it would burst if she didn’t release what welled up within her now.

Never had she experienced anything like this. Never had such a thing gnawed at her throat, making it impossible to catch her breath. Never had the silence felt so impossible to withstand, the very same silence that she welcomed so often and set her heart at ease. It now unsettled her, made her writhe with the pressure of it weighing her down.

Her teeth sat poised to open, her mouth already forming the sound before her mind ever decided to set it free. It was like a caged dog, her beast that once released could never be taken back. It took all she had within her not to let it loose. Not to shatter the silence around her forever. Because once released, Kaelyn wasn’t sure what would happen. She was scared of what would happen. She was scared of the things that would change in that singular moment that could never be undone. The world would never look the same to her once done. Her life had never been her own but in a moment her life could be hers again. With the release of that pressure deep in her chest, perhaps she could start to feel whole again. And that very thought was enough to make her hold it all back.

But this was not something she couldn’t stop.

Her screams pierced everything around her. It stole the silence away and ended all that was, paving the path into all that would be. It echoed deep within her very core, releasing what the girl never dared to feel into the world. Taking what were once hers and hers alone and making it into what was now her new world. In a moment everything changed, never to be returned again.

Raw sound tore at Kaelyn’s throat, ripping it from the inside out as it clawed its way from the pit in her stomach and was born into the world. Her whole body ached with the liberation of the monster within her.

She collapsed into the earth, praying that it would open up and swallow her now that her life was spent. But nothing of the sort occurred; her prayer forever left unanswered. A sick part of Kaelyn relished the knowledge that she was as alone in this world as she had always known herself to be. Perhaps not all was changed. But she knew that was a lie. She knew that with her screams, nothing would ever be the same for her. She didn’t care anymore, though. Her body was spent with the sound of it. The overbearing feel of simply living seemed to have left on the back of her screams, leaving her exhausted. There was not a thing Kaelyn could bring herself to care about now.

As she lay on the grass under the pale moonlit sky, she couldn’t help but stare at the blood dripping from her fingers. There was so much of the crimson liquid. People never really knew how much blood they held within them until their life was pouring into the hands of another. The realization of it shocked them, it was evident on their faces as their life faded from their eyes. The room would always be enveloped in the smell of their death, a bitter metallic smell that you could taste without ever getting a drop near your lips.

His blood smelled sickly sweet, though.

Kaelyn instantly regretted letting the smell of it cloud her senses. She couldn’t shake it from her mind now. Blood shouldn’t smell like that. Blood was warm, dark, with a metallic rust scent that was easy to neglect. It was sickening; it made your insides churn. But his blood smelled sweet. Like candy…

The thought retched inside of her, dragged her to her hands and knees and choked the life out of her. She emptied her stomach on the grass beneath her, but having eaten nothing throughout the day she emptied mostly bile. It felt like she was turning herself inside out as her body convulsed with the shock of it all.

When she could breathe again, when her body had stopped its trembling, she clawed her way to the stream. Her hands broke the surface as she scrubbed mercilessly at her arms. She wouldn’t stop until she had peeled the skin from her flesh. Even then it wouldn’t be enough. Even then the guard’s blood would still flood her senses and overtake everything within her until she was screaming and throwing up all over again.

Drenched in water, Kaelyn pulled her hands from the river and stared at her arms. They were rubbed raw at this point, her skin red with burning. But she didn’t see that, she didn’t feel it either. All she saw was the warm liquid staining her skin with the blood of the man she had tortured to death.

Questions?: Can I get a massage? No really, though. For the 3rd person sample I wasn’t sure if that would be okay or not. I thought it best exemplified my writing and my girl. If I fail, please let me know and I can whip something different up!

Secondly, for my 1st person sample, I broke it into two if that’s all right. The first is an example of her entries…. But she doesn’t speak much. The second is her own internal thoughts just voiced. How she talks and thinks, etc. Things she’d never share but does think and voice to herself.
Did you put your characters name and fandom in the subject: God I hope I did. It’s 1 am. I miss things…

Additional information:


Hunters are people you never see unless you've really done the CSEP wrong. Generally, they are Grey Guards promoted to the highest ranks. What the CSEP doesn't tell the guards is that once they're promoted, they're part of an experiment that's been perfected over time to reduce them to pure animalistic tendencies. A chip is implanted in their brain that doesn't so much control their brain, but rather shut off a more rational part of it that keeps them from becoming psychopaths. Then they're enhanced with stronger muscles and bone tissue, given razor sharp claws and teeth, and sent out into the world.

Once back in the real world, they take their place as head Grey Guards and remain underground for crowd control. They're are few of them made due to their tendency to lose control, but those that remain do keep some semblance of control for the longest time. It isn't until they actually use their instincts that they find it hard to come back.

Hunters are mostly employed when the CSEP feels threatened and needs to do away with the threat swiftly. They're rarely off target and always quick to get a job done. They're ruthless and bloodthirsty and have no sense of right or wrong anymore once released. They're not entirely unbeatable, but few do actually stand a chance against them. And should a hunter ever get out of the CSEP's control, well their chip is handy for frying their brains instantly as well. It is why Hunters are killed instantly and never taken back for interrogations. They never live long enough to even give a name.

Noctis labor and secrecy-

For the most part, their physical labor is kept underground. They manage the sewers and electric systems and boiler rooms and all that lovely stuff. But should physical labor be required above ground, well the Diei have early curfews already. They are rounded up and inside their homes by 7 pm every day, keeping families together, children up to date on their homework, and innocent people from knowing the truth.

The Noctis are only then allowed above ground to fix the areas that are broken. And the areas that need their labor are generally closed off from Diei.

There is still the risk of Grey Guards and Scientists knowing the truth about the Noctis. But most Guards are sadistic enough not to want to ruin their fun with the Noctis, as Scientists do love their studies and don't want it taken away. And should any of them who know tell others or threaten to release the secret, Hunters would be fast and immediate and that would put an end to that.

*ooc, !app

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