Shannon we miss you so much. You are so amazing and have touched us all. We are all so proud of you. Your courage will help us move on.
August 2nd I am happy to announce my SUPER DOPE hip hop band Show Me Tiger will be performing at Shannon's benefit. I am honored to be able to perform in her honor
I am missing the huge women's spoken word event tonight because I am at work and I am very sad about that. I have been calling off sick for cool creative events too often lately and now I have to be a bit responsible which is unfortunate. The good thing is there are lots of things that I want to call off sick for.
On tuesday I will be headed to Seattle. I perform there at the TOST lounge on Wednesday and I have 2 gigs in vancouver on the 14th and 16th. Check out if you haven't already become my friend. I am trying to get back on the horse again and I need your help. I haven't done much spoken word in the past 2 and a half years or so and this is awesome! The kids from Vancouver hit me up to perform at their BIG GAY slam and I had to jump on it. Now I have 3 new pieces (only one committed to memory right now) and am rehearsing some good ol favs.
By the time I hit the pacific northwest I will have a demo of 3 songs from Show Me Tiger! and some phat stickers that Dacia designed.
Can't wait! I am ready to spread Tiger love all around.
I am remembering how hard it is to memorize pieces. Plus my new pieces are running over 4 minutes cuz I don't give a FUCK anymore and they are HARD! I may be on page more than I would like. But yes, I did write one about firefighting...well about being a firefighter...well about one of the DRAMATIC aspects of being a firefighter...there is actually no fire involved in it at all...hmmmmm doesn't THAT make you curious?? If I wrote a poem about all the shit that I love about my job it would be all ass jokes, flour bombs to your face while sleeping, singing songs in the headsets on the way back from calls, scaring each other around corners when it's 3am, bad Spanglish jokes, Sonic cherry limeades, and fire...well fire is just fucking cool and always will be. Maybe I should write that poem and do it right next to the dramatic some ideas.
Thanks for listening.
Oh and check out my sister's live journal page. She is hilarious and she is in Dubai right now! WHAT? Yeah...Dubai... Peace