Yours, MineAuthor name:
fufarawFandom: RPS, AU
Genre: SciFi, Slave!fic
Pairings: JDM/Idris Elba
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: I own nothing except the story. It is intended purely for entertainment purposes only and in no way resembles or represents any real life person or persons.
Word count: 4400 words
Warnings: AU, slave!fic, pirates
Written for:
Let Your Kink Flag Fly Prompt by
tebtosca: JDM/Idris Elba. I don't even care what happens as long as there is sweaty manly man fucking involved, here.
Summary: Jeff saves his slave from bounty hunters, but gratitude has never been Idris' strong suit.
A/N: If you don't recognize the name, Idris Elba has been in a bunch of big screen movies including: Prometheus as well as The Losers opposite JDM. And yes, I understand, white guy owning black guy... but please bear with me on this. All, of course is not quite as it appears.
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Idris slams him up against the space station wall, grappling onto his suit. Jeff staggers back, it's not quite the homecoming he was looking forward to.