Title: A Frequent Traveller's Guide to Jovan
Rating: Hard R/NC-17
Warnings: explicit heterosexual and homosexual sex, slavery, violence, torture and drug use.
Summary: Since the death of their brother the Emperor Dolmus brought the royal brothers Valentin and Cassius back to Monsilys, capital of the great Jovani Empire, Valentin has cured the boredom of court life with poppy-sap and women, while for Cassius the remedy has been ale and the result much the same. Then an ill-fated duel causes their niece the Empress to send them to Gallica to deal with a problem there, and they find themselves drawn ever more back into the world of Jovani politics: a world their brother banished them from seventeen years earlier. As Valentin veers from disaster to disaster, always running from his past and a life he would prefer to forget, Cassius is fascinated by a damaged boy he rescues from a slave brothel. Valentin's weapon is sly diplomacy, while Cassius prefers the honesty of the sword, but will either be enough to protect Jovan, and themselves?
Notes: Volumes I and II are already written; you can check them out at
my website, as free eBooks (
Volume I and
Volume II) or I will be posting them on livejournal at a rate of one chapter a week.
Start from the beginning)
Volume I, Part 7 )
Resting his chin on the crown of Llewellyn's head for a moment, Cassius took a hitched breath and released him. "My brother has been kidnapped. We go to find him."
Examining Cassius' face with his disconcertingly intent gaze, Llewellyn stepped forward, put his hands on either side of Cassius' face, and kissed him before he could react. "You will find him," he said. "He will be all right." He swung the black wool cloak around Cassius' shoulders and fastened the toggles. Unlike the trimmed, draped court cloaks Valentin so enjoyed, this one was simple and warm. It would be cold in the catacombs.